Mary King marks the contribution made to choral music by women, as performers, conductors and composers, with an interview with composer Meredith Monk about her work with her group Vocal Ensemble, and music including works by Lili Boulanger and Sweet Honey in the Rock.
I have to confess ignorance about most of the above...apart from Lili, Nadia's talented sister who died tragically young. I wonder if we'll hear her settings of Psalms 24 and 130 for choir and orchestra...lovely works which I was privileged to sing in under Nadia's baton many years ago.
I have to confess ignorance about most of the above...apart from Lili, Nadia's talented sister who died tragically young. I wonder if we'll hear her settings of Psalms 24 and 130 for choir and orchestra...lovely works which I was privileged to sing in under Nadia's baton many years ago.