mw963 (post #41) back to Hereford. Thanks for all the technical info. But the beginning of the service was a complete cock-up and nothing to do with R4's vicious compression. I don't know if they've preserved the first 5 mins on i-player just as it was broadcast, but if they have, it has to be heard to be believed.
CE Chapel of King's College, Cambridge [archive] Wed, 23rd Oct
Actually the compression is pretty horrible even on the iplayer. So I'm wondering if one of the problems that WASN'T resolved by rebooting the computer was that the desk compressor/limiters were all set to act too actively.
Nothwithstanding any of that, Sunday Worship does often sound pretty awful, for the reasons I've outlined above.
Apologies for leaving not only the current topic but even straying onto the wrong radio network!
I noticed the hymn was slower than is usual these days. I don't think that the speed of hymns in KCC services has speeded up that much - but I know from singing on broadcasts myself that hymns are taken at an unusually fast pace 'so they don't sound draggy on the broadcast'. It sounds as if this didn't happen in 1981 - I wonder when the speeding up of broadcast hymns started, and whether it affected all broadcast services (including Daily Service and the Sunday morning one) at the same time?
It has also been known for the speed of the final hymn to be dictated by the DoM's watch as he sees the final minutes of the broadcast going down the plug-hole. This was especially true in the 45 minute days. Does anyone remember when the time was increased to an hour? I wonder if Wednesday's CE was one of the 45 min ones, but with the organ voluntary un-faded?
I see that the Choral Evensong website ( has posted the schedule up to the end of March.
Matthew Martin
Originally posted by DracoM View PostMerely that for the most part recently, St J's at Cantab have seemed to take it. Hereford notably in 2012, Liverpool Met had Mass for Ash Wednesday in 2008
I was actually rather pleased to see it being moved around, but wondered if it had caused any ruffle at John's, that was all?