The Choir on R3 - Sunday 14th at 1700

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  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    The Choir on R3 - Sunday 14th at 1700

    Caroline Gill explores how choral music can be affected by the spaces where choirs perform

    I hope this will be an informative programme. Singers generally hate very dry acoustics and love cavernous basilicas...but there's a sort of ideal ambience somewhere in between. Maybe Ms Gill will find it.
  • Safe&Sound

    I really enjoyed this show. Very informative and delightful presenter. I will definately be tuning in again!


    • DracoM
      • Mar 2007
      • 13027

      Adrian Peacock was admirably clear and to the point. I'd like to have had a LOT more from him.
      Wylkynson was stunning. Must hear more of that - many thanks to Caroline Gill for including it AND her unfussy, un-self-promotional presentation. Much appreciated.

      Was it my imagination [ no playlists on the website so far ] or was this just a bit of a benefit match for Stephen Layton - Trinity College Choir / Polyphony etc? Fine choirs and a fine conductor etcetc, but.....
      And. blow me down, next week, John Rutter on..............Music in Cambridge.

      Last edited by DracoM; 15-04-13, 09:52.


      • JungleRumble

        Originally posted by DracoM View Post
        Was it my imagination [ no playlists on the website so far ] or was this just a bit of a benefit match for Stephen Layton - Trinity College Choir / Polyphony etc? Fine choirs and a fine conductor etcetc, but.....
        And. blow me down, next week, John Rutter on..............Music in Cambridge.
        But the Layton / Cambridge thing was nothing to the point, was it? I thought the point was the different places and acoustics that Peacock had produced in (King's Singers - studio [another Cambridge group?]; Trinity - Gloucester Cathedral; Polyphony - Ely Cathedral Lady Chapel)? The Wylkynson was superb. The Berio sounded like a fire in a pet shop!

        I thought the programme was excellent and I thought hearing Gill outside her usual Building a Library / CD Review slot was rather refreshing.

        I agree with you: I could live without John Rutter telling us again about music in Cambridge...


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          Yes, indeed - totally agree about Caroline Gill.

          Would this have worked: same choir, singing same piece in two DIFFERENT locations followed by Adrian Peacock talking about the different problems and what engineers do to record / make different locations workable? He did a bit of that, but more would have been fascinating.

          BTW, website now has playlists.


          • ardcarp
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 11102

            Hi Jungle Rumble. I can't remember whether you're a new contributor or not...but if you are, welcome!

            I could live without John Rutter telling us again about music in Cambridge...
            O come on, he's a National Treasure.

            Agree about Caroline Gill's presentation. Very clear and to the point. A most enjoyable programme. Let's hope this is an indication of how The Choir (the R3 prog, I mean) is going to develop.


            • JungleRumble

              < same choir, different venue, but who and what? >

              OK: how about Lobo's [/I]Versa est in Luctum[/I] by Westminster Cathedral Ch on site at the Drome, and then at the Barbican?
              Last edited by DracoM; 18-04-13, 08:11.


              • EnemyoftheStoat
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 1144

                Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                ... more would have been fascinating.
                Indeed. AP is a terrific raconteur. I was at a workshop of his a while ago where we in fact did little singing but what he said was fascinating.

                And he's not bad to sing next to as well. (And no, I'm not a secret BBC Singer.)

