New College Oxford on Lunchtime Concert, Tuesday 5th March

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  • sturkel
    Full Member
    • Mar 2013
    • 12

    New College Oxford on Lunchtime Concert, Tuesday 5th March

    Apparently below the radar of this board, in the middle of the Barogue fest unleashed on Radio 3 this week, New College's Tuesday Lunchtime concert of French baroque music, broadcast live, appears to have gone unnoticed. An interesting mixture of composers including Etienne Moulinie, (of whom I know nothing) and finishing with a setting of De Profundis by Charpentier, when the choir were joined by the strings of Collegium Novum.

    An excellent concert, with the choir and its astoundingly confident and capable treble soloists in good voice (the men were pretty good too), marred only by a couple of strange (and very loud) sonic glitches early on, of the sort that often spoiled relays of choral evensong last year. Its available on the Iplayer until next week. If you have the volume turned well up, as I did, you may well leap out of your chair.

    There's also an interesting piece on the New College Choir website by Edward Hiigginbottom here
    on the problems of teaching his choristers French vernacular pronunciation of Latin, to say nothing of Italianate pronunciation and Lateinisch.
  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    Can't wait to hear them...thanks for posting that up, sturkel.


    • ardcarp
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11102

      Here it is:

      The Choir of New College Oxford in Moulinie, Rameau, Clerambault, Couperin and Charpentier


      • ardcarp
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 11102

        Choir of New College, Oxford
        Collegium Novum
        Edward Higginbottom (conductor)

        Here's the programme:

        Etienne Moulinie: O dulce nomen
        Jean-Philippe Rameau: Laboravi
        Louis-Nicolas Clerambault: Ante thronum trinitatis
        Francois Couperin: Lauda Sion
        Francois Couperin: Precatio ad Deum
        Marc-Antoine Charpentier: De profundis.

        I enjoyed it immensely. Big congratulations to EH and all his crew including his superb band of players.

        NCO choir divides opinion, many not liking the full, fruity, expressive sound. If you are one of those, then don't have your prejudices confirmed by the opening number. Skip to the Lauda Sion (pronounced load-a Sion!) a superb treble duet. This just about sums up what I feel about this choir. What other (of its type) could take a live lunchtime broadcast in its stride in such a thoroughly professional manner (and titter politely at SR's attempts at jollity)?

        The piece de la resistance was undoubtedly the final De Profundis by Charpentier. The appearance of a couple of Baroque flutes halfway through just added icing to a superbly presented and shaped performance.

        I wonder incidentally what the role of male altos was in 18th cent France? The boys seemed to take some (though not all) of what sounded like alto parts.

        EH's concerts are never dull...and he even swapped a little badinage with SR at one point.

        I can thoroughly recommend spending half an hour with this...available for a few days yet.

