Some of the lay clerks at Wabbey will have been there a lot longer than any Dean, Minor Canon or Master of Music so their contribution would have been most interesting. I know that some of them sing in the choirs of Harry Chrisophers and JEG etc, often involving lengthy tours abroad, and it would have been interesting to know how this works in practice.
Westminster Abbey on BBC2
Thanks for your erudition, Vox Humana (post #135). Isn't this Forum a wonderful place? There's always an expert at hand.
Alison wrote:
I know that some of them sing in the choirs of Harry Chrisophers and JEG etc, often involving lengthy tours abroad, and it would have been interesting to know how this works in practice.
And Wolsey wrote:
I'm led to believe that some were filmed, but this footage, like other material - including a feature on the organ and its tuner, was not included in the final edit.
David Underdown