Originally posted by chitreb
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Edit: if you look back you'll see that it was Calum's post that introduced the political slant, which is normal for him. But he doesn't usually venture here, and his posts are generally worth reading wherever he makes them, whether you agree with them or not. (Unlike those of one or two others, who simply try to cause trouble, and you'll soon suss them out. The other main culprit is banned from this section.)
As for R3, it was me who began the regular CE threads years ago, on the old BBC boards, and CE is the one I try not to miss, along with the Sunday evening programmes that follow the repeat. But I listen when I can to other R3 programmes, especially choral and early music slots. I expect that my listening is roughly 50% R3, 30% R4, 10% Classic fm and 10% BBC local radio.
Glad you've joined us, though. Always good to read new views.
