Originally posted by DracoM
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CE Liverpool Anglican Cathedral November 21st 2012
[QUOTE=ardcarp;227061]You mean you need an extra long arm to pull them out???
Seriously though, a very enjoyable CE with, I thought a nicely measured and sustained account of the Howells canticles. Just occasionally it sounded as if a bass or two from the back-row were being a bit 'over prompt' with their entries and spoiling the ensemble a bit, especially in the psalms. Talking of psalms, and from a purely personal angle, I found the mannered elongation of penultimate syllables a bit wearing after a time.QUOTE]
...getting back to the service...!
Perhaps 'mannered' psalms help clarity in that building's acoustic, but don't reflect as well when broadcast? I too was not over-keen on this style and it seemed rather reminiscent of NC/Chch Oxford ways. Psalms aside, I think the Howells worked well and really relished the VW: thanks Liverpool.
Am a fan of Whitlock, but didn't know the introit; his organ pieces always sound far simpler than they are to play, but always powerfully effective.