I thought this might be of interest to some of the regular posters on this board
CD Review
Byrd - The Great Service
BYRD: The Great Service; Praise our Lord all ye Gentiles; Unto the hills mine eyes I lift; Make ye joy to God all the earth; Turn our captivity; This Day Christ was Born
The Cardinall’s Musick, Robert Quinney (organ), Andrew Carwood (conductor)
Where late the sweet birds sang
BYRD: Christe qui Lux; Domine Quis Habitat; Quomodo cantabimus; De lamentatione
PARSONS: Ave Maria; Domine quis habitabit?
WHITE: Lamentations a 5; Christe qui lux es et dies IV
Magnificat, Philip Cave (conductor)
LINN CKD417 (Hybrid SACD)
Pater Noster - A Choral Reflection on The Lord’s Prayer
PLAINSONG: Pater noster
SCHUTZ: Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes
ZIELENSKI: Benedicimus Deum coeli
DES PRES: Pater noster
HARRIS: Holy is the True Light
PALESTRINA: Sanctus from Missa Papae Marcelli
SCHUTZ: Vater unser
BYRD: Vigilate
HASSLER: Cantate Domino
STRAVINSKY: Pater noster
POULENC: Quatre Petites Prieres de François d’Assise
LASSUS: Domine Dominus noster
DURUFLE: Notre Pere
WOOD: Oculi omnium
PALESTRINA: Ego sum panis vivus
TAVENER: The Lord’s Prayer
PURCELL: Remember not Lord our offences
VICTORIA: Popule meus
BERNSTEIN: The Lord’s Prayer
FARRANT: Lord, for Thy tender mercy’s sake
LASSUS: Ad te levavi
PLAINSONG: Pater noster
The King’s Singers: David Hurley (countertenor), Timothy Wayne-Wright (countertenor), Paul Phoenix (tenor), Christopher Bruerton (baritone), Christopher Gabbitas (baritone), Jonathan Howard (bass)
NAXOS 8572987 (CD budget)
Passion and Resurrection - Music inspired by Holy Week
CORNYSH: Woefully arrayed
GIBBONS: Hosanna to the Son of David; I am the Resurrection and the Life
TALLIS: O sacrum convivium
DE LASSUS: In monte oliveti
DE MORALES: O crux ave
DE VICTORIA: O vos omnes
MCCABE: Woefully arrayed
TAVERNER: Dum transisset
GUERRERO: Maria Magdalene
BYRD: In resurrectione tua
LHERITIER: Surrexit pastor bonus
CRECQUILLON: Congratulamini mihi
Stile Antico
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Volume 2
PALESTRINA: Hodie Christus natus est; Christe Redemptor omnium; Magnificat Quinti toni; Tui sunt caeli; Reges Tharsis; Missa Hodie Christus natus est; Song of Songs nos. 1-3; O magnum mysterium
The Sixteen, Harry Christophers (conductor)
CORO COR16105 (CD)
CD Review
Byrd - The Great Service
BYRD: The Great Service; Praise our Lord all ye Gentiles; Unto the hills mine eyes I lift; Make ye joy to God all the earth; Turn our captivity; This Day Christ was Born
The Cardinall’s Musick, Robert Quinney (organ), Andrew Carwood (conductor)
Where late the sweet birds sang
BYRD: Christe qui Lux; Domine Quis Habitat; Quomodo cantabimus; De lamentatione
PARSONS: Ave Maria; Domine quis habitabit?
WHITE: Lamentations a 5; Christe qui lux es et dies IV
Magnificat, Philip Cave (conductor)
LINN CKD417 (Hybrid SACD)
Pater Noster - A Choral Reflection on The Lord’s Prayer
PLAINSONG: Pater noster
SCHUTZ: Die Himmel erzahlen die Ehre Gottes
ZIELENSKI: Benedicimus Deum coeli
DES PRES: Pater noster
HARRIS: Holy is the True Light
PALESTRINA: Sanctus from Missa Papae Marcelli
SCHUTZ: Vater unser
BYRD: Vigilate
HASSLER: Cantate Domino
STRAVINSKY: Pater noster
POULENC: Quatre Petites Prieres de François d’Assise
LASSUS: Domine Dominus noster
DURUFLE: Notre Pere
WOOD: Oculi omnium
PALESTRINA: Ego sum panis vivus
TAVENER: The Lord’s Prayer
PURCELL: Remember not Lord our offences
VICTORIA: Popule meus
BERNSTEIN: The Lord’s Prayer
FARRANT: Lord, for Thy tender mercy’s sake
LASSUS: Ad te levavi
PLAINSONG: Pater noster
The King’s Singers: David Hurley (countertenor), Timothy Wayne-Wright (countertenor), Paul Phoenix (tenor), Christopher Bruerton (baritone), Christopher Gabbitas (baritone), Jonathan Howard (bass)
NAXOS 8572987 (CD budget)
Passion and Resurrection - Music inspired by Holy Week
CORNYSH: Woefully arrayed
GIBBONS: Hosanna to the Son of David; I am the Resurrection and the Life
TALLIS: O sacrum convivium
DE LASSUS: In monte oliveti
DE MORALES: O crux ave
DE VICTORIA: O vos omnes
MCCABE: Woefully arrayed
TAVERNER: Dum transisset
GUERRERO: Maria Magdalene
BYRD: In resurrectione tua
LHERITIER: Surrexit pastor bonus
CRECQUILLON: Congratulamini mihi
Stile Antico
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Volume 2
PALESTRINA: Hodie Christus natus est; Christe Redemptor omnium; Magnificat Quinti toni; Tui sunt caeli; Reges Tharsis; Missa Hodie Christus natus est; Song of Songs nos. 1-3; O magnum mysterium
The Sixteen, Harry Christophers (conductor)
CORO COR16105 (CD)