Purcell... Latin ... Dec & Can... musing

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  • Simon
    • Mar 2025

    Purcell... Latin ... Dec & Can... musing

    Sitting alone by the fire with some leisure, I searched for Jehova QM on youtube, and found the excellent version below. The King Consort choir - no wobbles! With instruments too + some of the best TBs in the business!

    Henry Purcell's hymn 'Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei' Z135. Composed c1680, with score for SSATB voices.Michael George - bassJames Bowman - counterteno...

    The Latin isn't quite as we sang it, the main differences, as one would expect, being in the Js, the Gs and the Cs, though from what some said on the other thread, I imagine it will coincide with other foundations.

    As a treble I spent most of my time on Can, being moved to Dec (unwillingly and protestingly, not that it did any good!) when I took over as HC. I doubt I sang it on Dec and I have only heard it a couple of times since - and I still find when listening and not singing that the Can line goes through my head. Similarly with a few other TT pieces, even after all this time. Anyone else find the same?

    Some great Latin words for the bass solo. Such as "confregisti" - once heard at that pitch, never forgotten. Helped with Latin exam for sure!

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as I have done. I think it's one of HP's greatest anthems.

    bws S-S!

    [Edit: for comparison, here's Chester Nave Choir making a very creditable job of it too, this time with organ and pronunciation more in line with what I'd have expected. They also don't change to major at the end.]

    Last edited by Guest; 01-11-12, 18:00. Reason: Typos
  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    I think it's one of HP's greatest anthems.
    Agreed...and a gutsy performance. It's Purcell in his most Italianate mode. I wonder if he ever heard Monteverdi's later madrigals? (One wrong note on the score as provided by You-tube...anyone spot it?)


    • Simon

      G for E. Glad it was ignored!


      • chrisjstanley
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 86

        Strangely, this is one of the few anthems I know where I would say that the second line is the dominant one. Especially memorable is the Jehova est salus entry close to the end. Yes Simon, a great favourite of mine often paired with the G minor canticles on a Sunday afternoon as I recall.

        DEC FOREVER!!

        I only ever sang on Can once when Andrew Parnell (HC) was snowbound in Buxton and it was Can verse as I recall.

        I can often be heard whistling, singing and humming whatever comes to mind as I wander around RBKC and LBHF.

        Completely barking.
        Chris S


        • Simon

          You're right, Chris, about the S2 line being dominant in this. Can't think of another, offhand.

          Wasn't Andrew Parnell at St Alban's at some point? I'm sure I read his name on a programme or some such.

          RBKC I've got. It's obviously the Colonel's place on the Right Bank. Is LBHF Leipzig station?

          PS And what's all this about Dec forever? Can can deck dec, you know...
          Last edited by Guest; 02-11-12, 15:02. Reason: Missed off sentence when pasting


          • chrisjstanley
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 86

            As you mention Leipzig Hauptbahnhof, I nearly visited JSB territory in late August. It would be good to go sometime but maybe when the Thomanerchor is in residence at the Thomaskirche............. in the end I travelled east of Dresden to Swiss Saxony as they refer to the hills adjacent to the Elbe near the Czech border.

            DAP was Deputy at St A for some time but is now freelance I understand.

            Chris S


            • adrianwall

              Andrew Parnell is currently helping out at Peterborough, as acting assistant DoM, until Robert Quinney arrives as the new DoM in April.

              There's a very good performance of Jehova quam multi sunt, by Les Arts Florissantes on their "Divine Hymns" disc.


              • mopsus
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 865

                This has long been a favourite anthem of mine. Difficult solo parts - was the bass one written for Gostling? I've heard a theory that the anthem was composed for private performance in the home, rather than in a chapel.
                There are a couple of interesting chants by Richard Marlow based on this anthem in his 'Trinity Chant-Book', one of which I sang recently.

