Choral Conundrums

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  • Simon

    Yes, scb.

    The full list of the 26 I'd deliberately included was:

    Howells, Dyson, Greene, Wills, Ives, Wood (in F), Ireland (in G), Farrant, Batten, Tallis, Boyce, Beatus Vir, Mass in G, [the Schubert one I was thinking of], Tye, Smart, Arne, Handel, Sing Joyfully, Mundy, Ley, Merbeck, Amner, Wise, Sumsion, Dering, John IV.

    Of these, the couple I thought most obscure - as a treble I might not have got these, though I came across them eventually - were Amner and, even more so, Dering, though as I noted earlier, I thought that John IV - though I expect we've all sung it - might be hardest to cotton on to.

    Anything outside of these was unintentional, and I for one have no knowledge of the ones you mention latterly. Those I used were all from my head without external reference.

    It just shows how many there are out there, though. I've also thought of a few more simple enough ones that I could have included, too!

    bws S-S!


    • Simon

      Anyone bored for a few minutes? Like to try this?

      You can see me in psaltery, down there in seven,
      but never a glimpse will you find in eleven;
      in fine English sixes I always occur,
      as Cassius or Brutus would no doubt aver;
      You won't hear me in Brussels, or Lille, or Toulouse
      and in Bonn and Vienna I'd surely refuse.

      What am I?
      Last edited by Guest; 26-03-11, 18:31. Reason: Slight edit to make more accurate and neater, recommended by Rachael!


      • amateur51

        Originally posted by Simon View Post
        Anyone bored for a few minutes? Like to try this?

        You can see me in psaltery, down there in seven,
        but never a glimpse will you find in eleven;
        in fine English sixes I surely occur,
        as Cassius or Brutus would no doubt aver;
        You won't hear me in Brussels, or Lille, or Toulouse
        and in Bonn and Vienna I'd have to refuse.

        What am I?
        Hold me back, folks, hold me back!


        • Nick Armstrong
          • Nov 2010
          • 26628

          Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
          Hold me back, folks, hold me back!

          Perfection, amateur!
          "...the isle is full of noises,
          Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
          Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
          Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


          • Simon

            Edit and apology

            To be fair to Amateur51 I see that a) I was definitely leading with the chin and providing an opportunity that few who oppose my views elsewhere could have resisted - and b) that I have also misinterpreted his comment - so my apologies for that and no offence taken about his post. But I do still wish he'd stop popping up everywhere I go on these boards!
            Last edited by Guest; 27-03-11, 01:43.


            • amateur51

              Originally posted by Simon View Post
              Oh for heaven's sake, we have a pleasant atmosphere on here. Do we have to suffer that ****head's stupid comments? Everywhere I post he follows me like some kind of perverted stalker. As for his "hold me back" - as if he has the brains to manage even the Daily Mirror crossword!
              The compilers of wiktionary, the free online dictionary, have asked my permission to use Simon's post #80 as an example of the term "hissy fit".

              I have no objections, but leave it open to others to comment ...


              • amateur51

                Cheers Simon!

                You're a toff!

                [He loves it really - proper little attention-seeker at heart - there's not much to do in Derbyshire when the candles gutter.


                • Lizzie
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 299

                  Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
                  Cheers Simon!

                  You're a toff!

                  [He loves it really - proper little attention-seeker at heart - there's not much to do in Derbyshire when the candles gutter.
                  Personally Simon, I have enjoyed the conundrums even though I rarely have enough knowledge to finish them properly! Thanks to you and to all the others who take the time and effort to think them up for a bit of fun. This Forum has proved, in the main, to be rather better mannered and enjoyable than its predecessor on 'the dark side'...! Best. Liz


                  • Simon

                    Thanks Lizzie. I agree - it's a far nicer atmosphere, generally. But wasn't it you who got several of the earlier conundrums? I think you do yourself an injustice!

                    Thanks for quoting Am's post too, as you know I don't see them. It's appropriate to reply briefly, if I may, and then hopefully we can be done with it and get back to conundrums!

                    Cheers Simon!
                    You are welcome, Am51. Despite my disagreement with most of what you write on here it was only right and just for me to apologise for misinterpreting your earlier post and making an unwarranted comment against you.

                    I suggest it's better if our paths cross as infrequently as possible. As I've said before, I wish you well, harsh words and disagreements on here notwithstanding.


                    • amateur51

                      Originally posted by Simon View Post
                      Thanks Lizzie. I agree - it's a far nicer atmosphere, generally. But wasn't it you who got several of the earlier conundrums? I think you do yourself an injustice!

                      Thanks for quoting Am's post too, as you know I don't see them. It's appropriate to reply briefly, if I may, and then hopefully we can be done with it and get back to conundrums!

                      You are welcome, Am51. Despite my disagreement with most of what you write on here it was only right and just for me to apologise for misinterpreting your earlier post and making an unwarranted comment against you.

                      I suggest it's better if our paths cross as infrequently as possible. As I've said before, I wish you well, harsh words and disagreements on here notwithstanding.
                      Cheers again Simon!

                      However there remains the question of your accusation of stalking. You cannot know how many yimes I go to reply to one of your posts but, finding that someone else has put you right already, I desist. Your posts are characterised by a tendency to state the obvious in a very high-handed patronising confident tone that I find particularly irritating, allied to your own world view which is at odds with mine. Hence my frequent responses. But to construe this as stalking is to inflate your own sense of your importance in my life, believe me. You might want to reflect on that.

                      It is your right, of course, to put me on ignore, I have no problem with that. However it does appear to be very undemocratic and this aspect is brought into relief when you choose to mock or abuse me safe in the knowledge that you will not see my response behind your ignore button, and that everyone else understands this. You might want to reflect on the advisability of this too.


                      • Norfolk Born

                        Have any of the contributors to this thread thought of giving it a more accurate name - something like - oh, I don't know - 'Snipers' Alley'?


                        • Simon

                          That's not quite accurate, Ofachap.

                          It was going along fine until you-know-who blundered in.

                          As I said just above, I hope we can now be done with it and carry on as normal.


                          • amateur51

                            Originally posted by Simon View Post
                            That's not quite accurate, Ofachap.

                            It was going along fine until you-know-who blundered in.

                            As I said just above, I hope we can now be done with it and carry on as normal.
                            He can't even get your name right, OFCACHAP

                            As to his sniping from behind his 'ignore' button, I rest my case - literally.

                            I'll leave you good people alone now ... until the Sage of Nutwood gets out of hand again
                            Last edited by Guest; 27-03-11, 11:06. Reason: additions


                            • Norfolk Born

                              I assume Flosshilde's suggestion for a new thread has something to do with whatever's been going on?
                              I can't find a smiley that suggests bemusement, so I'll leave you to imagine one. (I originally visited this thread simply in order to see what sort of questions you set one another, as those on 'Alphabet Associations' have become too difficult for me.)


                              • Nick Armstrong
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 26628

                                Originally posted by OFCACHAP View Post
                                (I originally visited this thread simply in order to see what sort of questions you set one another, as those on 'Alphabet Associations' have become too difficult for me.)
                                You are much missed on AA ! I think there's a trend towards more 'gettable' questions - at any rate, I've got a few lately, which wasn't the case in the early 'cryptic' period...
                                "...the isle is full of noises,
                                Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                                Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                                Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."

