CE St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Edinburgh 15th August 2012
The Feast of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary
Order of Service:
Introit: Gaudent in coelis (Sally Beamish)
Responses: Lloyd
Psalms: 98, 99 (Garrett, Russell)
First Lesson: Song of Solomon 2: 1-7
Office Hymn: Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born (Farley Castle)
Canticles: Short Service (Robin Orr)
Second Lesson: Acts 1: 6-14
Anthem: A Prayer and Two Blessings (Nigel Osborne - Choirbook for the Queen) (first broadcast)
Final Hymn: Sing we of the blessed Mother (Abbot's Leigh)
Organ Voluntary: Toccata alla marcia (Robin Orr)
Nicholas Wearne (Assistant Organist)
Duncan Ferguson (Organist and Master of the Music)
The Feast of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary
Order of Service:
Introit: Gaudent in coelis (Sally Beamish)
Responses: Lloyd
Psalms: 98, 99 (Garrett, Russell)
First Lesson: Song of Solomon 2: 1-7
Office Hymn: Her Virgin eyes saw God incarnate born (Farley Castle)
Canticles: Short Service (Robin Orr)
Second Lesson: Acts 1: 6-14
Anthem: A Prayer and Two Blessings (Nigel Osborne - Choirbook for the Queen) (first broadcast)
Final Hymn: Sing we of the blessed Mother (Abbot's Leigh)
Organ Voluntary: Toccata alla marcia (Robin Orr)
Nicholas Wearne (Assistant Organist)
Duncan Ferguson (Organist and Master of the Music)