Originally posted by Roger Judd
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I don't dispute that all the above activities are life - enriching for choristers but it shouldn't be forgotten that the choir is really there to do a job in the cathedral/chapel and which, to answer some points above, necessarily includes being in attendance for all the major church festivals in what would normally be holiday time for themselves and their families. In this context the TCF, in my opinion, certainly asks too much of the cathedral choristers and their families by requiring the boys to return to sing in the middle of Summer too.
According to Brian Rees, the retiring headmaster of Pilgrims School, Winchester and Chairman of the Choir Schools Association, who has visited all the choir schools before his retirement, in an interview in Cathedral Music magazine, choir tours after the end of term are falling out of favour with parents who see them as impinging too much on family time and the needs of siblings who are not choristers. No doubt this is due in many cases to the much more demanding adult work/life ratio these days but this will have to be taken into account by DoMs regarding other extra - curricular demands placed upon choristers generally as it is bound to affect recruitment.
Turning now to your psyche regarding the status quo. I did, in fact, say that 'for the most part' DoMs seem to me not to want the status quo to change. I am delighted that you are more open minded than some appear to be.
Best wishes,