... And in the Winchester area, there will be the annual performance of Britten's 'Ceremony of Carols in the Cathedral tomorrow (Wed) at 1pm. Admission free but a retiring collection is invited. Sadly I have to be at wort but, it will be wonderful.
Also, if you have recovered from a surfeit of Turkey and The Queen, you can see and hear Christmas music from Winchester Cathedral on BBC 1 on Christmas Day at 6pm, I believe. It was recorded a couple of weeks ago and I gather went extremely well.
Of course you'll all remind me I'm biased but, I don't care as I'm now full of festive goodwill to all people!
All the very best. Liz
Also, if you have recovered from a surfeit of Turkey and The Queen, you can see and hear Christmas music from Winchester Cathedral on BBC 1 on Christmas Day at 6pm, I believe. It was recorded a couple of weeks ago and I gather went extremely well.
Of course you'll all remind me I'm biased but, I don't care as I'm now full of festive goodwill to all people!
All the very best. Liz
