CE Bristol Cathedral 21st March

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  • Double Diapason

    Originally posted by DracoM View Post
    I'm assuming both boys and girls singing. Certainly what it sounded like
    But given my track record, don't hold your breath.........................

    Can't win them all Draco! I haven't listened but may get a chance to later on and will venture an opinion; I need to be careful though given my comments on the Guildford thread


    • bach736
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
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      Originally posted by Double Diapason View Post
      : I haven't listened but may get a chance to later on and will venture an opinion;
      'Stulti vadunt quo angeli verentur ingredi'


      • scchoir

        Just popping up to mention that you can hear the Bristol Cathedral choristers (together with those from Gloucester) in a concert setting, performing the Berlioz Te Deum and Fauré Requiem in two imminent concerts together with the combined forces of Bristol and Gloucester Choral Societies and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra under Adrian Partington:

        Sat 24 March, Gloucester Cathedral at 7pm
        Sat 31 March, Colston Hall, Bristol at 7.30pm

        Not quite the 500-600 children reported to have been singing at the première of the Berlioz, but sure they'll be quite capable of holding their own!


        • Double Diapason

          Spot on Draco, boys and girls here. They sound good (apart from the odd bit of flatness) and I actually thought the men were pushing it to keep up at times which made them slightly too colourful (especially altos) for my taste now and again. I wonder do the boys and girls sing as a unit often? I assume not and the men are used to balancing with a less powerful top line. It was nice to note that neither sex is relying on the other - being equal in their contribution. Its a pity that we cant really be a fly on the wall and hear what is usual on Wednesday 21st March at Bristol (when BBC mics are not present!) but its human nature to want a R3 appearance to be the best that it can be.

          The Poulenc is difficult and came off well - a brave and assured start! Good psalms (particularly colourful organ!) and I loved the Leighton; nice and contrasting. My heart sank when I heard the precentrix (sorry cant resist!) but thankfully a lay clerk intoned.

          I have to admit I found the top line a wee bit tiring in its persistence the more I heard; one of the problems with joining all the forces together like it was a festival service rather than a lenten one!!

          The anthem had that "popular" feel to it and then went stratospheric but I enjoyed it although had to remind myself it was Lent and not a balmy day in June! More fitting for "Choirbook for the Queen" than others I have heard though. That solo really is a nasty bit of writing by the late David Bedford and no wonder the treble sounded nervous - she did well though.

          One of my favourites hymns moved me greatly (as it always does) and the voluntary a welcome addition to the repertoire (for me anyway).

          Well done Bristol. Lets have the boys or girls on their own next time though and the opposite sex the time after that so we are all happy


          • terratogen
            Full Member
            • Nov 2011
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            Originally posted by Double Diapason View Post
            Its a pity that we cant really be a fly on the wall and hear what is usual on Wednesday 21st March at Bristol (when BBC mics are not present!) but its human nature to want a R3 appearance to be the best that it can be.
            Bristol's website seems to suggest that Wednesday evensong is normally a trebles-only affair. Is it common for foundations where that is the case to make an exception and bring in the men's voices for the BBC broadcast, or do they generally carry on with the choristers alone?


            • DracoM
              • Mar 2007
              • 13027

              A good number of foundations don't do CE on a Wednesday at all [schools games afternoons etc?] , and if it is trebs only, the BBC might gently insist that for a live tx, the men ARE bought in. Since the days of Bramdean, I don't think I can remember a trebs only CE on R3.


              • Magnificat

                Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                A good number of foundations don't do CE on a Wednesday at all [schools games afternoons etc?] , and if it is trebs only, the BBC might gently insist that for a live tx, the men ARE bought in. Since the days of Bramdean, I don't think I can remember a trebs only CE on R3.

                There hasn't been another unfortunately. It would make a change if one was broadcast especially if a choir has a particularly good set of boys and perhaps an individual capable of some first class solo work. There must be some around surely.



                • ardcarp
                  Late member
                  • Nov 2010
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                  I just wanted to say that, having finally heard the Bristol CE, I enjoyed it greatly; and who was singing what did not bother me in the slightest! Agree with Draco about the slightly odd turn taken by the anthem...i.e. those squeaky bits.

