Does anyone know anything about this selection of equal numbers of boys and girls to form a choir to sing in St Paul's for E. Windsor's jubilee? It seems they are leaving it all rather to the last minute. And the few chords I heard Will Todd strum of his piece seem to belong to the dance music era of the 1930s. Sort of appropriate I suppose???
"Diamond" choir
secret squirrel
Try - there's even a FAQs tab !
Not wishing to poo, poo it at all, but I do wonder why there is this perceived need to have a 'made up' choir from across the land for this service. Surely St. Paul's's own is both good and big enough to do the job...?
That said, there is (well certainly used to be) a black and white photograph in the crypt rehearsal room of the massed choir for either the 1911 Coronation or 1936 Silver Jubilee for George Vth (though I think it's the latter as I think it is photographed on the North Door Steps) and it contained a good number, having in it I think the Abbey and Windsor and Chapels Royal singers to boot on top of St. Paul's's own 18 men and 40 boys...
I suppose my point is just that I cannot see the Abbey choir being enlarged for a similar event bar a Coronation (and okay, yes, there has only been one Diamond Jubilee before in 1897 held OUTSIDE) and so why cannot St. Paul's choir then have the 'sole rights' to it as they did for the Silver Jubilee in 1977?
Just mooting thoughts I suppose and good luck to all who will savour this very rare occasion.
Vivat Regina!
Originally posted by secret squirrel View PostTry - there's even a FAQs tab !
Not wishing to poo, poo it at all, but I do wonder why there is this perceived need to have a 'made up' choir from across the land for this service. Surely St. Paul's's own is both good and big enough to do the job...?
That said, there is (well certainly used to be) a black and white photograph in the crypt rehearsal room of the massed choir for either the 1911 Coronation or 1936 Silver Jubilee for George Vth (though I think it's the latter as I think it is photographed on the North Door Steps) and it contained a good number, having in it I think the Abbey and Windsor and Chapels Royal singers to boot on top of St. Paul's's own 18 men and 40 boys...
I suppose my point is just that I cannot see the Abbey choir being enlarged for a similar event bar a Coronation (and okay, yes, there has only been one Diamond Jubilee before in 1897 held OUTSIDE) and so why cannot St. Paul's choir then have the 'sole rights' to it as they did for the Silver Jubilee in 1977?
Just mooting thoughts I suppose and good luck to all who will savour this very rare occasion.
Vivat Regina!
orbis factor
Originally posted by Gabriel Jackson View PostThe St Paul's Choir isn't being "enlarged". The new group will sing, on their own, a new piece by Will Todd. (Did you actually read anything on the website you linked to?!). Is anyone suggesting the St Paul's Choir isn't "good enough" or "big enough"?
Eighteen auditions in regional cathedrals across the UK in order to make music and take part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience? If the target age group were 7-10 rather than 10-13, I'd think that someone at St Paul's was looking to mastermind the most aggressive nationwide chorister drive since Sing Up! Here's hoping that some of the children who audition—or, rather, some of their younger siblings—are inspired to seek out more than a one-day experience in choral music.
Originally posted by Gabriel Jackson View PostThe St Paul's Choir isn't being "enlarged". The new group will sing, on their own, a new piece by Will Todd. (Did you actually read anything on the website you linked to?!). Is anyone suggesting the St Paul's Choir isn't "good enough" or "big enough"?
What SS really meant to say, I think, is that St Paul's choir is good enough and big enough to provide all the singing needed for this service just as they did in the Silver Jubilee service and just as WA choir would be at a similar event. There is no need for a separate choir.'
Originally posted by Magnificat View PostGabriel,
What SS really meant to say, I think, is that St Paul's choir is good enough and big enough to provide all the singing needed for this service just as they did in the Silver Jubilee service and just as WA choir would be at a similar event. There is no need for a separate choir.'
Originally posted by Magnificat View PostGabriel,
What SS really meant to say, I think, is that St Paul's choir is good enough and big enough to provide all the singing needed for this service just as they did in the Silver Jubilee service and just as WA choir would be at a similar event. There is no need for a separate choir.'
Originally posted by Gabriel Jackson View PostIt's not about 'need' it's about creating an opportunity for other young people to participate musically in the service. There's not actually any 'need' for cathedral choirs...
and definitely no need for any of them to include GIRLS
the idea that having GIRLSmight discourage boys is hilarious !
And I hope you have asked permission from sir to have a bar of 7/8 in your new piece ?
< the idea that having GIRLS might discourage boys is hilarious ! >
It does happen, I have seen it happen, and the choir in question now has no boys on top line at all. Took five years. 'Girls get all the solos' was a not uncommon cry. But if the boys are not up to solos the girls get all the solos. Try telling 11 yr olds they are not good enough and then watch them drift off to some where else.
Real world, matey, real world.
secret squirrel
Thank-you, VCC (sorry, Magnificat!).
Yes you are correct: I was not wishing to infer that the present choir was not good or big enough (see later), but simply asking why there was a perceived need for such a gathering of others who are not from the Royal Establishments, that’s all, as it was in ’36 (I think)!
That said, I can see that today’s choral world is wildly different from 1897 and 1936 and if the music we love and adore is to be continued, then perhaps ‘opening the doors to others’ is not necessarily a bad thing for such an occasion.
As for its usual numbers, I think it no secret that the numbers of the St. Paul’s choir have become less over recent times: 18 men daily since Stainer’s day (and the quire screen’s removal) until 1981 then 18 on Sundays and specials until 2011 and now only 12 for all services; meanwhile the boys’ numbers used to be 36-40 (with 8 probationers) and now I do not believe they enjoy such forces on the front row.
The latter may clearly be a reason for the former, but still a sadness none-the-less, but clearly the forces have to match...
But no, I was not saying they are not good or big enough for the occasion!
Enjoy it all of you!
Vivat Regina!