CE Hereford Cathedral
Ash Wednesday
Order of Service:
Introit: Memento homo (Byrd)
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm: 51 Miserere mei (Allegri)
First Lesson: Isaiah 1:10-18
Canticles: In Fauxbourdon (Tallis)
Second Lesson: Luke 15: 11-end
Anthem: Da mihi auxilium (Byrd)
Hymn: Now is the healing time decreed (Jena)
Organ Voluntary: Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV 671 (Bach)
Peter Dyke (Assistant organist)
Geraint Bowen (Organist & Director of Music)
Please forgive early posting. I thought members might like to absorb the info as to where the service is coming from this year.
Ash Wednesday
Order of Service:
Introit: Memento homo (Byrd)
Responses: Plainsong
Psalm: 51 Miserere mei (Allegri)
First Lesson: Isaiah 1:10-18
Canticles: In Fauxbourdon (Tallis)
Second Lesson: Luke 15: 11-end
Anthem: Da mihi auxilium (Byrd)
Hymn: Now is the healing time decreed (Jena)
Organ Voluntary: Kyrie, Gott heiliger Geist BWV 671 (Bach)
Peter Dyke (Assistant organist)
Geraint Bowen (Organist & Director of Music)
Please forgive early posting. I thought members might like to absorb the info as to where the service is coming from this year.