When we look at other countries (the recent "Arab Spring" is a classic example or the Tiananmen Square protests) we celebrate the way in which ordinary people protest against injustice , none of those things would be allowed in the UK without "permission"
Anyway. Back to the decision to close St.Pauls.

The cathedral will be losing 20,000 pounds a day by the closure, so to suggest that the decision was taken lightly, or without good reason, is ridiculous.
As to the protesters- there was an interesting read in the Sunday Times yesterday by a journalist who spent a few nights camping with them. It seems that many of the protesters have simply pitched their tents and then buggered off to the comforts of home, returning now and again when the mood takes them. And most of the ones that do actually stay seem incapable of getting up. A plan to leaflet commuters arriving into the City at 7:30 am was abandoned when most "protesters" were still tucked up in their sleeping bags at 9 o'clock.

It's all rather pathetic. They've made their point. It's time they packed up and went back to their comfy homes- that is, those who are actually there in the first place......
