Following in the worst tradition of Channel 4 Top 10 anythings and this board's recent questions on Te Deums and cassock colours, I ask you to name your top sets of responses but only from the last century. The Tudorbethan ones are a given.
Despite their ubiquity, Rose & Leighton have to be there, to which I would want to add Radcliffe, and a wonderfully cheesey set by Jason(?) Smart who I believe had some Bristol connections - anyone help me out here on anything else he's written or where I can get a score now of his set?
Despite their ubiquity, Rose & Leighton have to be there, to which I would want to add Radcliffe, and a wonderfully cheesey set by Jason(?) Smart who I believe had some Bristol connections - anyone help me out here on anything else he's written or where I can get a score now of his set?