Originally posted by DracoM
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St Thomas Fifth Avenue NYC
Originally posted by DracoM View PostNot entirely sure where I said that James MacMillan 'invented' them? After all, folk / rock / jazz have been using them for ages well before MacMillan et al. I just don't happen to think they work in the Truro Service. The music is perfectly able to speak without them.
I expect i'll be told off by "sir" for being off topic again
but I do find it interesting that some people treat grace notes and ornaments as something that one applies TO music and not part of the music itself. I was taught this way and have found that it leads to some great misunderstandings about music. If one "note bashes" a piece then applies dynamics and "expression" , grace notes etc TO it one often ends up "missing" the music entirely. When I learn't the Sitar I was taught a whole gamut of what in western music one would consider to be "ornaments" but these are very much essential characters of the music NOT something that one "applies" afterwards. I think this is also true of much Western music so to say something like
"The music is perfectly able to speak without them" would seem to miss out on what the music IS. (as the composer points out !)
Originally posted by MrGongGong View PostI expect i'll be told off by "sir" for being off topic again
but I do find it interesting that some people treat grace notes and ornaments as something that one applies TO music and not part of the music itself. I was taught this way and have found that it leads to some great misunderstandings about music. If one "note bashes" a piece then applies dynamics and "expression" , grace notes etc TO it one often ends up "missing" the music entirely. When I learn't the Sitar I was taught a whole gamut of what in western music one would consider to be "ornaments" but these are very much essential characters of the music NOT something that one "applies" afterwards. I think this is also true of much Western music so to say something like
"The music is perfectly able to speak without them" would seem to miss out on what the music IS. (as the composer points out !)
Originally posted by paul duggan2 View PostI think the whole thing works v well, Gabriel. Can't believe these people have the temerity to suggest a composer what works and what doesn't - in his own piece.
So far this year the choirs of Truro Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, York Minster, Västerås Cathedral, St Paul's Cathedral, St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Ely Cathedral, Guildford Cathedral, St John's College, Cambridge, Selwyn College, Cambridge and Trinity College, Cambridge, have been happy to sing grace notes not written by James MacMillan, as will choirs in Bermuda and Sydney next week so, grateful as I am for the online composition lesson, I think I'll leave the piece as it is.
Originally posted by Gabriel Jackson View PostThanks, Paul!
So far this year the choirs of Truro Cathedral, Wells Cathedral, York Minster, Västerås Cathedral, St Paul's Cathedral, St Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh, Ely Cathedral, Guildford Cathedral, St John's College, Cambridge, Selwyn College, Cambridge and Trinity College, Cambridge, have been happy to sing grace notes not written by James MacMillan, as will choirs in Bermuda and Sydney next week so, grateful as I am for the online composition lesson, I think I'll leave the piece as it is.
St Thomas' performance of the service on the 8 March webcast is beautiful— but then, would I really expect otherwise from John Scott and his choir? i don't know that I've ever heard anything less than lovely from them. The last time I had the good fortune to attend a St Thomas evensong in person, an older gentleman behind me spent about twenty minutes before the start of the service grumbling to everyone who would listen that the choir as a whole just wasn't up to par, that the boys were growing lazy and had bad attitudes, that the men were undersinging, etc. Unsurprisingly, the ensuing service—which included a short solo by the same chorister who I believe appears as a soloist in the Dresden Requiem video linked earlier by DracoM—put a stop to all hand-wringing, and the same man and his companions left doing some praise-singing of their own.
Originally posted by DracoM View PostSorry, but I think that's a bit naughty. This has nothing whatever to do with St T, and is a blatant puff for a concert gig in UK. Erm....??
No but it has to do with me, whose name YOU brought into this thread! Maybe...just maybe...he thought this concert might be of interest, following YOUR mention of my work.
Dear, oh dear...
paul duggan2
Originally posted by Gabriel Jackson View PostNo but it has to do with me, whose name YOU brought into this thread! Maybe...just maybe...he thought this concert might be of interest, following YOUR mention of my work.
Dear, oh dear...
paul duggan2
Originally posted by paul duggan2 View PostQuite. I've just joined this board and, reading through various postings, am really shocked at how arrogant and lacking in knowledge many posters are. Shouldn't a board like this be about informed discussion?