A Service of Hope and Healing from Washington National Cathedral 7th Sept 2011

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    A Service of Hope and Healing from Washington National Cathedral 7th Sept 2011

    A Service of Hope and Healing from Washington National Cathedral

    Order of Service:

    Introit: My house shall be called a house of prayer (Douglas Major)
    Introduction (The Very Revd Samuel T Lloyd)
    Pie Jesu (Duruflé)
    Reading: Isaiah 58: 9-12
    I love the Lord (Jonathan Harvey)
    Reading: Look at Love (Rumi)
    There is a balm in Gilead (arr. Dawson)
    Reading: Revelation 21: 1-5
    Welcome sweet and sacred Feast (Finzi)
    Reading: New Vows (Louise Erdrich)
    Set me as a seal (René Clausen)
    Reading Matthew 25: 34-40
    Homily (The Very Revd Samuel T Lloyd)
    Hymn: Great is thy faithfulness
    Geistliches Lied (Brahms)

    Organ Voluntary: Fugue in E flat (St Anne) BWV 552b (Bach)

    Organist: Jeremy Filsell
    Director of Music: Michael McCarthy

    Washington National Cathedral Choir can be heard via their website on a variety of webcasts. I don't know when this service was recorded, and I am awaiting info.
  • David Underdown

    The cathedral suffered some damage in the recent US earthquake


    • gainasbass

      An English DOM and an English Organist! I understand that MMcC formed the London Oratory Choir, had connections with The Sixteen, Gabrielli Consort, Monteverdi Choir, etc. and was a lay clerk at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford and St Alban's (no doubt Magnificat can recall this!). JF is, of course, a renowned organist (and also pianist!), and inter alia has also been Organ Scholar at Keble College, Oxford and a lay clerk at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.
      Last edited by Guest; 03-09-11, 20:39. Reason: spelling


      • Miles Coverdale
        Late Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 639

        I think you'll find that Mike McCarthy was a bass at Christ Church, not an alto, and that he founded the London Oratory School Schola (not to be confused with the choir of the Brompton Oratory, aka the London Oratory). I don't recall that Jeremy Filsell ever sang at Christ Church, although I do know he was an alto lay clerk at St George's, Windsor for a time. He depped occasionally at Guildford when I was there some years ago.

        I sang at the National Cathedral in Washington with a visiting choir a number of years ago. For such a large building, it has very little acoustic. It was extremely hard to hear the other members of the choir and it didn't feel like the building was giving you any help at all. Very peculiar.

        Can't say I particularly care for the Harvey (aka I Love This Chord), but I shall look forward to that lovely Duruflé, and to the equally lovely Brahms to finish.
        My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


        • Simon Biazeck

          Originally posted by gainasbass View Post
          An English DOM and an English Organist! I understand that MMcC formed the London Oratory Choir,
          Michael formed the London Oratory School Schola - boys and men - (I was also a founding member!) which sings a vigil Mass on Saturday night's during term time. To be absolutely clear, the London Oratory Senior Choir (of which I am a member) sings the bulk of the choral services at the London (Brompton) Oratory and the Junior Choir sings an English Mass at 10.00 on Sundays and one Benediction during the week. Michael has great skill as a choir trainer and a fine baritone voice. Washington is indeed fortunate to have him and Filsell at the National Cathedral. I'm very much looking forward to this.


          • Magnificat

            Originally posted by gainasbass View Post
            An English DOM and an English Organist! I understand that MMcC formed the London Oratory Choir, had connections with The Sixteen, Gabrielli Consort, Monteverdi Choir, etc. and was a countertenor alto lay clerk at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford. JF is, of course, a renowned organist (and also pianist!), and inter alia has also been Organ Scholar at Keble College, Oxford; and a countertenor lay clerk at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, and at St Alban's Abbey (no doubt Magnificat can recall this!).

            I am pretty sure that it was actually his brother Simon who sang bass regularly at the Abbey for some years.

            Mike McCarthy sang bass for Barry Rose at St Albans and helped him train the boys if I remember correctly.



            • gainasbass

              Apologies to Miles C, Simon B and of course Magnificat. When I originally posted I realised that I had got things muddled up, but was called away from the computer before I could edit. I returned and put right my mistakes without realising your subsequent posts. Thanks to all for the additional (and no doubt correct) information.

              I'm certainly looking forward to hearing this broadcast!


              • BBMmk2
                Late Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 20908

                Looks as though its going to be a lovely service. Some rather good music to!
                Don’t cry for me
                I go where music was born

                J S Bach 1685-1750


                • Wolsey
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 419

                  Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                  I don't know when this service was recorded, and I am awaiting info.
                  It was recorded in June, according to Dr Filsell.


                  • DracoM
                    • Mar 2007
                    • 13027

                    Many thanks.


                    • Al R Gando

                      Originally posted by Wolsey View Post
                      It was recorded in June, according to Dr Filsell.
                      So, before the Libya incursion then? That would seem to undermine the theme somewhat :(


                      • ardcarp
                        Late member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 11102

                        Can't say I particularly care for the Harvey (aka I Love This Chord),
                        Au contraire I love this piece. It is a 20th cent masterpiece IMHO. Can't wait for the Finzi either. Can anyone say a bit more about the WNC? Does it have military connections?


                        • decantor
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 521

                          Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                          Au contraire I love this piece. It is a 20th cent masterpiece IMHO.
                          Exactly so - it might even be my all-time favourite anthem. To be honest, I'm not sure that I'd willingly entrust it to an American choir (other than St Thomas NYC), even under English direction. But I keep an open mind and wish them well: I shall be on the edge of my seat while listening.


                          • DracoM
                            • Mar 2007
                            • 13027

                            Reminder it is today @ 4 p.m.


                            • David Underdown

                              Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                              Can anyone say a bit more about the WNC? Does it have military connections?
                              http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki?searc...onal+cathedral. No particular military connection. It's used in some respects as an equivalent of Westminster Abbey in terms of high-profile national funerals and other services (though of course separation of Church and State is enshrined in the constitution)

