CE: St Martin-in-the-Fields, London, on the Eve of the Ascension [L]
Order of Service:
Introit: Let all the world (Greta Tomlins)
Responses: Matthew Wood
Psalm 89
First Lesson: 2 Samuel 23: 1-5
Office Hymn: Eternal monarch, King most high (Gonfalon Royal)
Canticles: Howells in G
Second Lesson: Colossians 2 v.20 – 3 v.4
Anthem: God is gone up (Owain Park)
Hymn: Crown him with many crowns (Diademata)
Voluntary: Church bells beyond the stars (Cecilia McDowall)
Polina Sosnina (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)
Order of Service:
Introit: Let all the world (Greta Tomlins)
Responses: Matthew Wood
Psalm 89
First Lesson: 2 Samuel 23: 1-5
Office Hymn: Eternal monarch, King most high (Gonfalon Royal)
Canticles: Howells in G
Second Lesson: Colossians 2 v.20 – 3 v.4
Anthem: God is gone up (Owain Park)
Hymn: Crown him with many crowns (Diademata)
Voluntary: Church bells beyond the stars (Cecilia McDowall)
Polina Sosnina (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)