CE St John’s College, Cambridge Wed, 12th April 2023 [R]
From the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge
St John’s Voices
Order of Service:
Introit: Angel Vopiyasche (Chesnokov)
Responses: Sarah MacDonald
Psalms 65, 66, 67 (Whitlock, Atkins, Luard-Selby)
First Lesson: Song of Solomon 3 vv.1-11
Canticles: Jesus College Service (Mathias)
Second Lesson: Luke 24 vv.1-12
Anthem: Lo, the full, final sacrifice (Finzi)
Hymn: Jesus lives! thy terrors now (St Albinus)
Voluntary: Prelude on The Old Hundredth (Iain Farrington)
Benedict Turner-Berry (Organist)
Graham Walker (Director)
Recorded 23 February
From the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge
St John’s Voices
Order of Service:
Introit: Angel Vopiyasche (Chesnokov)
Responses: Sarah MacDonald
Psalms 65, 66, 67 (Whitlock, Atkins, Luard-Selby)
First Lesson: Song of Solomon 3 vv.1-11
Canticles: Jesus College Service (Mathias)
Second Lesson: Luke 24 vv.1-12
Anthem: Lo, the full, final sacrifice (Finzi)
Hymn: Jesus lives! thy terrors now (St Albinus)
Voluntary: Prelude on The Old Hundredth (Iain Farrington)
Benedict Turner-Berry (Organist)
Graham Walker (Director)
Recorded 23 February