Compline Monday, March 6th
A reflective service of night prayer for the second week of Lent
Chapter House of York Minster, including works by Kerry Andrew, sung by the Ebor Singers.
Introit: O nata lux (Kerry Andrew)
Blessing of Light: O gladsome light (Bourgeois)
Preces (Plainsong)
Lent Prose (Plainsong)
Psalm 91 (Plainsong)
Reading: Matthew 11 vv.28-30
Responsory: Into thy hands, O Lord (Kerry Andrew)
Anthem: Criosda liom a cadal (Kerry Andrew)
Nunc dimittis (Plainsong)
Anthem: We will lay us down in peace (Kerry Andrew)
Paul Gameson (Director)
A reflective service of night prayer for the second week of Lent
Chapter House of York Minster, including works by Kerry Andrew, sung by the Ebor Singers.
Introit: O nata lux (Kerry Andrew)
Blessing of Light: O gladsome light (Bourgeois)
Preces (Plainsong)
Lent Prose (Plainsong)
Psalm 91 (Plainsong)
Reading: Matthew 11 vv.28-30
Responsory: Into thy hands, O Lord (Kerry Andrew)
Anthem: Criosda liom a cadal (Kerry Andrew)
Nunc dimittis (Plainsong)
Anthem: We will lay us down in peace (Kerry Andrew)
Paul Gameson (Director)