CE Bolton Parish Church [R]
HeartEdge Manchester Choral Scholars
Order of Service:
Introit: King of glory, king of peace (Grayston Ives)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalms 114, 115 (Tonus Peregrinus, Knight)
First Lesson: Jeremiah 31:1-9
Office hymn: All praise to thee, for thou, O King Divine (Engelberg)
Canticles: Brewer in D
Second Lesson: Matthew 15: 21-31
Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughan Williams)
Prayer Anthem: Round me falls the night (Annabel Rooney)
Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King (Gopsal)
Voluntary: Paean (Leighton)
Polina Sosnina (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)
Recorded 5 November
HeartEdge Manchester Choral Scholars
Order of Service:
Introit: King of glory, king of peace (Grayston Ives)
Responses: Radcliffe
Psalms 114, 115 (Tonus Peregrinus, Knight)
First Lesson: Jeremiah 31:1-9
Office hymn: All praise to thee, for thou, O King Divine (Engelberg)
Canticles: Brewer in D
Second Lesson: Matthew 15: 21-31
Anthem: Let all the world (Vaughan Williams)
Prayer Anthem: Round me falls the night (Annabel Rooney)
Hymn: Rejoice the Lord is King (Gopsal)
Voluntary: Paean (Leighton)
Polina Sosnina (Organist)
Andrew Earis (Director of Music)
Recorded 5 November