CE Westminster Abbey 16.xi.22
Order of Service
Introit: Prevent us, O Lord (Byrd)
Responses: Rose
Psalm 37 (Martin, Attwood, Rogers)
First Lesson: Zechariah 8: 1-13
Canticles: Evening Service (Errollyn Wallen)
Second Lesson: Mark 13: 3-8
Anthem: Blest pair of sirens (Parry)
Hymn: Jesus shall reign, where’er the sun (Truro)
Voluntary: Marche sur un thème de Hændel Op 15 No 2 (Guilmant)
Peter Holder (Sub-Organist)
James O’Donnell (Organist and Master of the Choristers)
Order of Service
Introit: Prevent us, O Lord (Byrd)
Responses: Rose
Psalm 37 (Martin, Attwood, Rogers)
First Lesson: Zechariah 8: 1-13
Canticles: Evening Service (Errollyn Wallen)
Second Lesson: Mark 13: 3-8
Anthem: Blest pair of sirens (Parry)
Hymn: Jesus shall reign, where’er the sun (Truro)
Voluntary: Marche sur un thème de Hændel Op 15 No 2 (Guilmant)
Peter Holder (Sub-Organist)
James O’Donnell (Organist and Master of the Choristers)