Resuming attendance at live broadcasts of Choral Evensong

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  • Ein Heldenleben
    Full Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 7274

    Originally posted by Keraulophone View Post
    Right-on! (as they say in these parts, though possibly not in the Alverton).
    Nice hotel that -doesn’t it have a deconsecrated chapel?


    • Sarumtenor
      Full Member
      • Oct 2022
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      Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post
      That’s surprisingly little money really . Sat links are way cheaper than they were and they probably use IP these days . The big cost is the OB truck , the production staff and the engineers and their overnights. Those costs are the same whether it’s Kings College Chapel or me and a few mates singing down the pub - though the latter would probably be a fairly simple mic rig. Cutting the number of relays really saves money though.
      PS I hope they pay the organist…
      The Organist, Conductor and Lay Clerks are paid a fee for the Wednesday broadcast and then 50% of that for the repeat on the Sunday.


      • DracoM
        • Mar 2007
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        • Ein Heldenleben
          Full Member
          • Apr 2014
          • 7274

          Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
          This should perhaps be on a new thread but it isn't completely unrelated to some of the above comments
          Martin V. Clarke Martin V. Clarke is a Lecturer in Music at The Open University, UK, and a Co-Investigator on the second phase of the Listening Experience Database (LED) project. His research inter…

          Apologies if it's already been brought to forumites' attention.
          That is a very interesting article and thanks for posting it. It has often occurred to me that this particular thread is marked by some of the best informed posts often by people who are clearly in the “business “ themselves. It is also one of the politest and most open to contrary opinion. Ive often wondered whether it’s because many of the Posters are Christian or because as Choral Evensong is essentially a religious service over the top disagreement doesn’t feel right. A bit of a rose tinted view as it’s clear from other threads some choral foundations and Cathedral choirs seem to be hotbeds of Trollopeian discord …


          • Keraulophone
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 2015

            Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post
            Nice hotel that -doesn’t it have a deconsecrated chapel?
            Nicest in the city, and yes, it uses its deconsecrated chapel for weddings, meetings and large dinners.

            The grade II* listed house was built in 1830 as the home of a wealthy Truro family. In 1883 it was acquired by The Order of The Epiphany, originally five Anglican nuns from London, who built the chapel. As the number of sisters declined, they moved into smaller premises, and in 1984 the Alverton Manor Hotel was opened.


            That's a fascinating article by Martin V. Clarke. Who'd have known we would become the subject of academic scholarship?!


            • Ein Heldenleben
              Full Member
              • Apr 2014
              • 7274

              Originally posted by Keraulophone View Post
              Nicest in the city, and yes, it uses its deconsecrated chapel for weddings, meetings and large dinners.

              The grade II* listed house was built in 1830 as the home of a wealthy Truro family. In 1883 it was acquired by The Order of The Epiphany, originally five Anglican nuns from London, who built the chapel. As the number of sisters declined, they moved into smaller premises, and in 1984 the Alverton Manor Hotel was opened.


              That's a fascinating article by Martin V. Clarke. Who'd have known we would become the subject of academic scholarship?!
              Yes it’s extraordinary.I wonder how many other threads await academic validation ? This is about the only forum I know that comments on a media outlet in an intelligent way with contributions from professionals and amateurs - most of whom are extremely well informed and, in the case of the classical recorded music , experts.

