CE Edington Priory Church Wed, 31st Aug @ 4 p.m.[R]

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Edington Priory Church Wed, 31st Aug @ 4 p.m.[R]

    CE Edington Priory Church [R]
    Edington Festival of Music within the Liturgy

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Tui sunt caeli (Plainsong)
    Responses: Matthew Martin
    Psalm 65 (Grayston Ives)
    First Lesson: Isaiah 42: 1-12
    Office Hymn: Caeli Deus sanctissime (Plainsong)
    Canticles: Wood in E flat
    Second Lesson: Revelation 21: 1-7
    Anthem: Let all the world (Grayston Ives)
    Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
    Antiphon: Alma redemptoris mater (Plainsong)

    Voluntary: Alleluyas (Preston)

    Matthew Martin, Peter Stevens, Jeremy Summerly (Conductors)
    Alexander Pott (Organist)

    Recorded 24 August.
  • Derek_Prawn69
    Full Member
    • Aug 2022
    • 1

    Does anyone know if it is Wood in E flat the first or second...?


    • ardcarp
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11102

      I wasn't there on Wednesday (when the Beeb recorded it) and the Fetisval brochure just says 'Wood in E flat'. Mrs A and I
      attended the Festival yesterday (Sunday...the final service of the week, Solemn Eucharist 1hr 50 mins!) and forgot to ask.
      We last went to the the Festival in 1968, when the late lamented Richard Seal was in charge. So it was a trip down memory lane. We were amazed at how the Festival has grown into 8 full days (Sunday to Sunday) with sung services every day. There were actually 3 choirs, the Nave Choir (Matthew Martin) the Consort Choir (Jeremy Summerly) and the Plainsong Choir aka Schola Cantorum...but not that one...(Peter Stevens). Yesterday's Eucharist...smells but no bells... was a tour de force with everyone taking part, though in fact members of each choir were to some extent interchangeable.

      It will gladden the heart of some to know that the Nave Choir (which actually occupied he Choir stalls) had a big treble line mainly of boys who were invited from various cathedrals, including, unusually Westminster Cathedral. There were also six girls. Despite the heavy work-load, all the kids had obviously had a great time with some leisure activities thrown in.

      It is a small miracle that this Festival has continued, taking place in a small village, but clearly held dear by the great and good of Parish, Musicians and the Clergy.

      Last edited by ardcarp; 29-08-22, 16:12.


      • cat
        Full Member
        • May 2019
        • 407

        Originally posted by Derek_Prawn69 View Post
        Does anyone know if it is Wood in E flat the first or second...?


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          Reminder: today on R3!!


          • ardcarp
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 11102

            Can any knowledgeable person expand upon the unacc. Wood canticles, which somehow seem to have escaped my attention. Did Wood have some purpose in setting the unorthodox English translation of the Mag and Nunc? Any answers much appreciated.

            PS I've already found Sternhold and Hopkins from the Festival booklet, and found this on the internet: http://www.cgmusic.org/workshop/oldver_frame.htm
            I just wonder what circumstances caused Wood to use this metrical version of the Mag and Nunc text.
            Last edited by ardcarp; 02-09-22, 16:20.

