Originally posted by Simon Biazeck
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CE Chapel of Rugby School Wed, 22nd June 2022 [R]
Originally posted by Keraulophone View PostSurely tutti tenors singing it in a flat would have the council round in minutes?!Interesting how it’s become a solo. In fact, I’ve never heard it sung by tutti tenors (a brace, rank or batterie… ?!). Huh!
Last edited by Simon Biazeck; 23-06-22, 07:14.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostSadly, it seems that a priestly précis before every Psalm, Hymn and Anthem is going to become the norm.This surely doesn't happen at regular choral evensongs?
Originally posted by Keraulophone View PostThe school chaplain has an educational responsibility towards his/her predominantly young congregation, so in this instance the preambles are justified, IMHO. They can be overdone, though, and I wouldn't like to hear them as a matter of course. Yesterday, we were about to sing Lennox Berkeley's lovely anthem The Lord is my Shepherd when we were told that John Tavener had been one of his students!
More Lennox Berkeley, please. I heard his Mag. & Nunc from Canterbury a few weeks ago, and it seemed to be ideal mid-week fare; quiet, unassuming and thoughtful.
[QUOTE=Keraulophone;885555]The school chaplain has an educational responsibility towards his/her predominantly young congregation, so in this instance the preambles are justified, IMHO. /QUOTE]
It's a fair point, but surely the school chaplain has ample opportunity to discharge his/her educational responsibilities at the rehearsal stage rather than during the act of worship - ?
Originally posted by W.Kearns View PostIt's a fair point, but surely the school chaplain has ample opportunity to discharge his/her educational responsibilities at the rehearsal stage rather than during the act of worship - ?
Reinforcement by repetition is a useful educational tool. The chaplain may have thought his radio audience also needed guidance.It's really up to the producer on the day.
I guess it's a BBC production trend.
Until the lockdown, I belonged to a small ad hoc group of singers which offered to sing Choral Evensong in various churches (a) who wanted us and (b) who were no longer able to do their own choral evensong. It was very popular with (mainly older) parishioners and we often had a big congregation. We had two stipulations though. (1) That we would be fed and watered...which often turned out to be a really good tea, and (2) There would be no input from anyone (apart from lesson readers) between the 'welcome' and the prayers. (One of us usually sang the responses and collects, unless we knew there was a tuneful vicar.) The person doing the organising was brilliant at handling all this with tact. And we did have a retired Bishop plus a couple of retired cathedral organists among out ranks!Last edited by ardcarp; 23-06-22, 15:39.
Beautifully prepared service with a rewarding Leighton fest! The anthem is quite a find for me with a thrilling build up to a climactic ending. The warm, resonant acoustic sometimes made it hard to catch the words especially in the psalms but it was a magical moment when the organ dropped away and the choir sang ppp.
Originally posted by haldeman View PostThe chaplain’s interminable introduction has no place on CE. It was addressed to the radio audience not to the congregation (as suggested by others) and while maybe a sentence of context is fine, this was way over the top.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostThings have moved on since Tom Brown's Schooldays!