CE Chapel of Rugby School Wed, 22nd June 2022 [R]
The Feast of St Alban
Recorded 20 May 2022
Order of Service:
Introit: Hic vir despiciens mundum (Victoria)
Responses: Leighton
Psalm 108, 109 (Hurford, Stewart, Harrison, Turle)
First Lesson: Isaiah 43: 1-7
Office Hymn: O Christ our king, supreme in power (Aeterna Christi munera)
Canticles: Evening Service in A flat (Harwood)
Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 6: 1-10
Anthem: Give me the wings of faith (Leighton)
Hymn: In a town below the hillside (Ebenezer)
Alban Responses (Stephen Darlington)
Voluntary: Paean (Leighton)
Ian Wicks (Organist)
Richard Tanner (Director of Music)
The Feast of St Alban
Recorded 20 May 2022
Order of Service:
Introit: Hic vir despiciens mundum (Victoria)
Responses: Leighton
Psalm 108, 109 (Hurford, Stewart, Harrison, Turle)
First Lesson: Isaiah 43: 1-7
Office Hymn: O Christ our king, supreme in power (Aeterna Christi munera)
Canticles: Evening Service in A flat (Harwood)
Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 6: 1-10
Anthem: Give me the wings of faith (Leighton)
Hymn: In a town below the hillside (Ebenezer)
Alban Responses (Stephen Darlington)
Voluntary: Paean (Leighton)
Ian Wicks (Organist)
Richard Tanner (Director of Music)