CE Chapel of Merton College, Oxford [L] Wed.7th July 2021
Order of Service:
Introit: To thee, O Lord (Rachmaninov)
Responses: Smith
Psalm 119 vv.129-152 (Thalben-Ball, West, Jones)
First Lesson: Isaiah 26: 1-9
Canticles: Chichester Service (Berkeley)
Second Lesson: Romans 8: 12-17
Anthem: The House of the Mind (Howells)
Hymn: All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
Voluntary: Sonata No 1 in C minor, Op 2 (Allegro moderato e nobilmente) (Howells)
Kentaro Machida (Organ Scholar)
Simon Hogan (Organist)
Benjamin Nicholas (Director of Music)
Order of Service:
Introit: To thee, O Lord (Rachmaninov)
Responses: Smith
Psalm 119 vv.129-152 (Thalben-Ball, West, Jones)
First Lesson: Isaiah 26: 1-9
Canticles: Chichester Service (Berkeley)
Second Lesson: Romans 8: 12-17
Anthem: The House of the Mind (Howells)
Hymn: All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
Voluntary: Sonata No 1 in C minor, Op 2 (Allegro moderato e nobilmente) (Howells)
Kentaro Machida (Organ Scholar)
Simon Hogan (Organist)
Benjamin Nicholas (Director of Music)