It was a much more satisfactory experience than CE at Westminster Abbey.
CE from St Paul's Cathedral, SATURDAY 10 April 2021, 5 p.m. [L]
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostYes, the last time I went to Wabbey for CE, we were shoved on some chairs East of the Choir, and the organ more or less drowned everything. Perhaps it was an unlucky visit....but 'welcomed' I didn't feel.
Originally posted by jonfan View PostAt CEs I love to sit as close to the choir as possible, though my partner hates it, as I like to see how these great choral conductors operate. My two favourites were in Cambridge, the first at St John’s where there was a joint service with Clare. I was able to see Andrew Nethsingha and Graham Ross at close quarters, though almost became members of the university as we couldn’t find the exit after the service!
The best was at Trinity where I could see how Stephen Layton’s stubby pencil creates the fifth best choir in the world, but also the Dean invited the congregation for drinks afterwards.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostYes, the last time I went to Wabbey for CE, we were shoved on some chairs East of the Choir, and the organ more or less drowned everything. Perhaps it was an unlucky visit....but 'welcomed' I didn't feel.
Originally posted by ardcarp View PostDid you mean a sort of emoji guide on here., Helden? Well I'm the last person to ask about anything techie, but if you click on 'Go Advanced' and at the bottom click on 'More' you should find a goblet or two. Good luck!
Originally posted by Heldenleben View PostYes I can get onto the emoji selection and found a good selection of post Evensong drinks ranging from a pint for the singers to a glass of champagne for the Director of Music but when I selected nothing happened . Ah I think I see the problem it turns the emoji into text didn’t spot that
Originally posted by Pulcinella View PostI thought that you were seeking a list of venues that offered refreshment after the service.
Originally posted by Keraulophone View PostIt has been said that ‘a few eyebrows were raised on its premier’.
From a note by Martin Ennis for the Wabbey recording on Hyperion:
Though the music’s tone is generally buoyant, some of the word-setting is reminiscent of Stravinsky’s ‘alienating’ practices, found most notably in the Symphony of Psalms. ‘Be thankful unto him’, for example, is set not as a hymn of praise, but in a whisper over a long organ chord. History doesn’t record the Duke’s reaction.
Originally posted by Finzi4ever View Post"Ah, Britten in C, we like that one: it's short!"
Re post-service drinks: at St Thomas, Fifth Avenue, NYC after we (visitors) had sung Mozart’s Coronation Mass, the whole congregation were offered Champagne- riches there, just as at Trinity, Cambridge where choir ‘volunteers’ (i.e. from other colleges) enjoy unlimited free booze in the bar.