They thought this might be of interest:
'Message from Friends of Cathedral Music received today which I think might interest FoR3 boarders re The Choir: "We’re delighted to invite you to join us for our next [Zoom] Virtual Gathering! Don’t miss your chance to join us on Saturday 6 March at 2pm for our panel discussion with cathedral music specialists as they discuss The Future of Choral Evensong."
Revd Canon Dr Rowan Williams (Precentor at Peterborough Cathedral)
Tansy Castledine (Director of Music at Peterborough Cathedral)
Christopher Gray (Director of Music at Truro Cathedral)
Rachel Mahon (Director of Music at Coventry Cathedral)
Daniel Cook (Director of Music at Durham Cathedral)
Peter Allwood (Chair of Cathedral Music Trust)
It's free but donations invited.'
'Message from Friends of Cathedral Music received today which I think might interest FoR3 boarders re The Choir: "We’re delighted to invite you to join us for our next [Zoom] Virtual Gathering! Don’t miss your chance to join us on Saturday 6 March at 2pm for our panel discussion with cathedral music specialists as they discuss The Future of Choral Evensong."
Revd Canon Dr Rowan Williams (Precentor at Peterborough Cathedral)
Tansy Castledine (Director of Music at Peterborough Cathedral)
Christopher Gray (Director of Music at Truro Cathedral)
Rachel Mahon (Director of Music at Coventry Cathedral)
Daniel Cook (Director of Music at Durham Cathedral)
Peter Allwood (Chair of Cathedral Music Trust)
It's free but donations invited.'