News from Sheffield
And did we miss this [equally likely] one from King's Cambridge:
'Under the current conditions governing assembly and the likely spread of a virus by both singers and amongst tourists, and closely grouped worshippers, the Fellows have decided to suspend all choral services, disband the choir as is at present, for the foreseeable future, but possibly longer."
Not. It's only my joke bred of pain and despair.
Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
Baby and bathwater come to mind. I would question the wisdom of taking such a heavy handed approach in the name of diversity - doesn't make for positive feelings on either side.
Originally posted by cat View PostAccording to the widely circulated message from a chorister parent, this appears to have nothing to do with "diversity", which seems to have been latched on to as a convenient buzzword to excuse what is evidently appalling mismanagement:
It has a powerful final paragraph:
We recommend that the Dean and Chapter read Frederic Laloux’s book “Reinventing Organisations” to understand something about treating people as whole persons and helping them flourish to be the best they can be for the benefit of all, rather than as replaceable cogs playing a role in a machine. Perhaps they would then see the strength of fury that has been unleashed amongst the choir community in recent weeks as an asset to build upon, rather than as something to run from? Then they would find an experienced, committed and flexible core of highly skilled singers to be of great value to Sheffield cathedral’s plans for music provision in the future. But that can only happen if they dare to be real. Why are they so afraid?Pacta sunt servanda !!!
Originally posted by cat View PostAccording to the widely circulated message from a chorister parent, this appears to have nothing to do with "diversity", which seems to have been latched on to as a convenient buzzword to excuse what is evidently appalling mismanagement: How they have the nerve to .............oh, what's the use?
It's noticeable when you look at the BBC Choir of the Year competition what a gulf there appears to be between choirs in the European church tradition (for want of a better phrase )and those in the African American Baptist / Gospel tradition . That is not a gulf of musical quality or enthusiasm and I greatly enjoy both styles. If the object of the Sheffleld authorities is to encourage both traditions and give all , regardless of background , an opportunity to participate, mix , learn and improve by singing music right across the range of Christian faith I think that would be a good thing. Where I slightly struggle is in the idea that object is progressed by discontinuing the long established, and by all accounts successful , Anglican element.
I sang services there with a visiting choir a few years ago and had the impression that liturgical planning could be a bit haphazard. At the Sunday morning Eucharist there was the monthly laying on of hands immediately after communion (elsewhere, it would have been a separate service). We sang our anthem, then we and the congregation sat for a good half-hour while our organist improvised.