Advent and Christmas broadcasts from Cambridge 2020

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  • Andrew Butler
    • Mar 2025

    Advent and Christmas broadcasts from Cambridge 2020

    I have been looking everywhere, but failed to find, any information or conjecture as to what might be happening this year regarding the traditional Advent and Christmas from John's and King's.....?
  • Petrushka
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 12437

    Too early to say with any certainty?
    "The sound is the handwriting of the conductor" - Bernard Haitink


    • ardcarp
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11102

      Originally posted by Andrew Butler View Post
      I have been looking everywhere, but failed to find, any information or conjecture as to what might be happening this year regarding the traditional Advent and Christmas from John's and King's.....?
      They probably don't know either. I would guess that even if Kings is not up-and-running as usual, they will find some way of doing the radio+TV carol services. I guess they earn a bob or two from these international broadcasts.

      Such a disappointing time for boy and girl choristers everywhere. The senior ones will be missing out on their last year, and the next in line will not be getting the experience and confidence to step up next year. I guess the latter will cope though.

      My thoughts go out to schoolkids and students everywhere, especially where the year-end is so important...poignant even. Kids doing GCSE and A-level, those applying for university or college, and those completing their final year.

      Big welcome, by the way, Andrew!
      Last edited by ardcarp; 16-06-20, 12:03.


      • Dave2002
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 18110

        Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
        My thoughts go out to schoolkids and students everywhere, especially where the year-end is so important...poignant even. Kids doing GCSE and A-level, those applying for university or college, and those completing their final year.
        I agree, but only up to a point. Won't the problem actually be an expectation for students to arrive at the same attainment level as if they hadn't had this major disruption, which would be cruel - whereas I suspect that many students will manage to work through it and catch up, if they need to. However rigid and inflexible (how about that for tautology ...) approaches are probably not going to win too many friends amongst younger people.

        Some students will be severely disadvantaged, others will just get on with it.


        • ardcarp
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11102

          I wasn't meaning so much their academic achievement, though what you say is right. I was thinking mainly about the uncertainty of the future, but partly also about the social side of things. We may think, for instance, that the 'proms' which have become a part of the school-leaving routine are just an American import, but they have become a rite of passage for many...just as at my school (back in the Stone Age) all the prefects were thrown into the swimming pool. Such fun.

          Maybe we've gone off topic a bit. Back to the Covid thread?


          • DracoM
            • Mar 2007
            • 13028

            We will make jokes, the kids at one time were thrilled to be off school...yes, get it, get it, but..................

            ......but actually, this is a very, very serious segment from a kid's life in terms of how much massively important stuff in all manner of different ways and significances is impact wedged into their lives; and maybe only those who have been educated and benefited from it, can have any inkling of just how serious and potentially damaging such a loss can be.


            • W.Kearns
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 141

              There is a recent statement on 'Music in our Churches and Cathedrals' from the C of E here:-


              • ardcarp
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 11102

                Oh well, we should be able to listen in to one of the organ scholars doing some private practice.


                • Wolsey
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 419

                  Originally posted by Andrew Butler View Post
                  I have been looking everywhere, but failed to find, any information or conjecture as to what might be happening this year regarding the traditional Advent and Christmas from John's and King's.....?
                  Conjecture is possibly the last thing that is needed in the present circumstances. The most pressing concern for foundations is planning how to get themselves up and running in the autumn - and even that can't happen (a) until more specific guidance (which is imminent) is issued and (b) with many DoMs being furloughed. One thing at a time.


                  • Old Grumpy
                    Full Member
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 3695

                    Originally posted by Wolsey View Post
                    Conjecture is possibly the last thing that is needed in the present circumstances. The most pressing concern for foundations is planning how to get themselves up and running in the autumn - and even that can't happen (a) until more specific guidance (which is imminent) is issued and (b) with many DoMs being furloughed. One thing at a time.
                    Star post


                    • Andrew Butler

                      Originally posted by Wolsey View Post
                      Conjecture is possibly the last thing that is needed in the present circumstances. The most pressing concern for foundations is planning how to get themselves up and running in the autumn - and even that can't happen (a) until more specific guidance (which is imminent) is issued and (b) with many DoMs being furloughed. One thing at a time.
                      Good points - I agree that there is too much conjecture around!


                      • Andrew Butler

                        Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                        Big welcome, by the way, Andrew!
                        Thank you! I am not totally new though - I used to be on here under a pseudonym!
                        Last edited by Guest; 17-06-20, 16:56.


                        • ardcarp
                          Late member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 11102

                          'Conjecture' overflows with semantics. Often seen as A Bad Thing, we all need to be conjecturing in spades at the moment. In other words, we need a pocketful of different plans about the future for ourselves, our families, our businesses and not least our music-making, based on conjecture. [I hate to use the expression 'alternative outcomes'...oh damn. I just did.] In science and maths, conjecture gets the thumbs up, e.g. Riemann's Conjecture.


                          • Old Grumpy
                            Full Member
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 3695

                            Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                            'Conjecture' overflows with semantics. Often seen as A Bad Thing, we all need to be conjecturing in spades at the moment. In other words, we need a pocketful of different plans about the future for ourselves, our families, our businesses and not least our music-making, based on conjecture. [I hate to use the expression 'alternative outcomes'...oh damn. I just did.] In science and maths, conjecture gets the thumbs up, e.g. Riemann's Conjecture.
                            Yes, probably in the context you describe. There is far too much conjecture on the broadcast (and print) media though. Rather than conjecturing what the news might be, they should concentrate on accurately reporting what the news is! There is far too much conjectural waffle from "correspondents" in/on the news media IMV - it drives me spare (or it would if I watched it!).



                            • DracoM
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 13028

                              Which is precisely why we must applaud BBC R4 for commissioning TWO MORE Wednesday 9 a.m. edtns of their cool, quiet, unfussy, deadly prog 'More or Less'

