Voces 8 do what they do. Superbly produced recordings with immaculate tuning and ensemble. Some would say over-manicured. But this YouTube session, in lock-down conditions, where members discuss the making of their forthcoming album, is absolutely fascinating. If you are a lover of choral music, and interested in the dynamics of making a group gel, then you'll love this. You'll need to put aside a chunk of time to listen to it all, but I guess time is something most of us have got at the moment.
Don't be put off by the opening item, The Road Home. It's beautifully sung, of course, but a bit cheesey. Anyone who's sung it will notice that Voces 8 pretty much ignore all of Paulus's fussy dynamic markings and tempo changes...to the great benefit of the piece!
NB This was first streamed live on 17th April.