Voces 8 launch party YouTube

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  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    Voces 8 launch party YouTube

    Join us live for an album launch party to celebrate the release of the next chapter of our 15th anniversary album 'After Silence III: Redemption'.Barney will...

    Voces 8 do what they do. Superbly produced recordings with immaculate tuning and ensemble. Some would say over-manicured. But this YouTube session, in lock-down conditions, where members discuss the making of their forthcoming album, is absolutely fascinating. If you are a lover of choral music, and interested in the dynamics of making a group gel, then you'll love this. You'll need to put aside a chunk of time to listen to it all, but I guess time is something most of us have got at the moment.

    Don't be put off by the opening item, The Road Home. It's beautifully sung, of course, but a bit cheesey. Anyone who's sung it will notice that Voces 8 pretty much ignore all of Paulus's fussy dynamic markings and tempo changes...to the great benefit of the piece!

    NB This was first streamed live on 17th April.
  • greenilex
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 1626

    Interesting dynamic between the three at the beginning...I will watch the whole thing later. Thanks for this.


    • jonfan
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 1475

      Thank you for alerting us to this Mr A. Fascinating from start to finish. Great discussions from everyone. Spoken with enthusiasm and expertise but humility and respect towards the music and the composers.

