CE Temple Church, London {R} Wed, 25th March 2020

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Temple Church, London {R} Wed, 25th March 2020

    CE Temple Church, London {R}
    Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary
    (recorded 25th February)

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Tota pulchra es (Duruflé)
    Responses: Tomkins
    Office hymn: For Mary, mother of the Lord (St Botolph)
    Psalms 131, 146 (Lloyd, Ashfield)
    First Lesson: Isaiah 7:10-14
    Canticles: Stanford in A
    Second Lesson: Luke 1: 26-38
    Anthem: Ave Maria (Mendelssohn)
    Prayer Anthem: Mother of God, here I stand (Tavener)
    Hymn: Sing we of the Blessed mother (Abbotts Leigh)

    Voluntary: Fugue on the Magnificat, BWV 733 (Bach)

    Charles Andrews (Organist)
    Roger Sayer (Director of Music)

  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Reminder - today @ 3.30 p.m.


    • ardcarp
      Late member
      • Nov 2010
      • 11102

      This was recorded on the same day as they did their live Ash Wednesday broadcast.
      The gentleman of the choir are, I understand, being paid a retainer during this shut-down period. Good to hear that.


      • jonfan
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 1475

        Big, passionate singing helped by a closely engineered sound. A well thought out liturgy for the Marian feast. I enjoyed the two psalms, the first introspective and considered, the second almost bursting through my speakers with terrific energy. The canticles delivered in the same extrovert manner with obvious relish from the singers. The anthem, a gem, with a confident, communicative soloist (a rapid vibrato, not a worry for me). A pleasant Tavener finale, and clearly delivered spoken elements to the service. Yes, just what we needed today. Thank you.


        • ardcarp
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 11102

          Big, passionate singing helped by a closely engineered sound. A well thought out liturgy for the Marian feast. I enjoyed the two psalms, the first introspective and considered, the second almost bursting through my speakers with terrific energy. The canticles delivered in the same extrovert manner with obvious relish from the singers.
          Absolutely agree jonfan. What a sing they had that day. Roger Sayer is not one to avoid taking a few risks to make an impact. Maybe the Mendelssohn was a big ask, especially as it is in 8 parts (including two treble parts).

          I feel ashamed not to know what text the Master was reading in the 'prayer' slot. Enlightenment anyone?


          • mw963
            Full Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 538

            I'm in complete agreement with jonfan (he'll no doubt be delighted to know!) and was going to say much the same things. The Ashfield is one of my favourites (*), and the terrific attack made on the first triplet, followed by a calmer second group, was just a complete joy to hear.

            Ardcarp's comment made me think, maybe that's what I miss in many of today's offerings, the lack of risk-taking. This whole thing was joyous and at times almost playful. Terrific Abbots Leigh too.

            Just what we all needed, I agree. One to download (thank you get_iplayer) and keep.

            (*) The first time I heard it I was in the car, it was spring 1992, and I quite literally had to find a layby as quickly as possible, because I seriously feared I'd drive off the road, such was the impact of its rendition (Psalm 66) from Southwell Minster. I still have the recording (being made faithfully on a time switch at home 200 miles away, no iplayer back then) and I go to it when I need cheering up.


            • jonfan
              Full Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 1475

              Originally posted by mw963 View Post
              I'm in complete agreement with jonfan (he'll no doubt be delighted to know!) and was going to say much the same things. The Ashfield is one of my favourites (*), and the terrific attack made on the first triplet, followed by a calmer second group, was just a complete joy to hear.

              Ardcarp's comment made me think, maybe that's what I miss in many of today's offerings, the lack of risk-taking. This whole thing was joyous and at times almost playful. Terrific Abbots Leigh too.

              Just what we all needed, I agree. One to download (thank you get_iplayer) and keep.

              (*) The first time I heard it I was in the car, it was spring 1992, and I quite literally had to find a layby as quickly as possible, because I seriously feared I'd drive off the road, such was the impact of its rendition (Psalm 66) from Southwell Minster. I still have the recording (being made faithfully on a time switch at home 200 miles away, no iplayer back then) and I go to it when I need cheering up.
              Yes, great we’re on the same hymn sheet! The Ashfield is new to me, what a piece. I’ve never heard such a simple single chant like the Lloyd sung so expressively as today.

