CE Gloucester Cathedral Wed, July 31st [L]
Originally posted by DracoM View PostThe BBC has - as usual - killed an event by ludicrously over-playing it.
@ Vox Humana - from my point of view I'm delighted you have mentioned it. I have hated trails (they've become an industry in their own right at the BBC) for the last forty years, so you're not the only one. They achieve the opposite to the desired result in my case, as in yours. They are a sign of broadcasting insecurity on a giant scale.
A bit harsh Ferney showing that painting when many cathedrals charge entrance fees just to walk through the door. Services are free to attend of course and remember Sir James has to earn his living, partly by taking on such things. If I was anywhere near I would have gladly have paid £12 to hear one of our most famous living composers talk about their music. He’s usually worth listening to when he’s been interviewed, for example on Composer of the Week quite recently.
Originally posted by jonfan View PostA bit harsh Ferney showing that painting when many cathedrals charge entrance fees just to walk through the door. Services are free to attend of course and remember Sir James has to earn his living, partly by taking on such things. If I was anywhere near I would have gladly have paid £12 to hear one of our most famous living composers talk about their music. He’s usually worth listening to when he’s been interviewed, for example on Composer of the Week quite recently.
I remember when the canticles were first broadcast someone described them as Catholic in feeling as opposed to more Protestant Anglican settings. I wasn't sure what to make of that generalisation, given that settings by Anglicans are so diverse. (In my experience Catholics often assume Anglicanism is much more monolithic than it actually is - perhaps the reverse is also true).