CE Chapel of Eton College
Second 2011 Eton Choral Course
Order of Service:
Introit: Never weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses: Rose
Psalm: 104 (Walmisley, Edwards)
First Lesson: Judges 15: 1 – 16: 3
Office Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)
Canticles: Magnificat (Finzi) and Nunc dimittis (Holst)
Second Lesson: Luke 18: 15-30
Anthem: At the round Earth's imagined corners (Parry)
Hymn: All creatures of our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Organ Voluntary: Fantasia and Fugue in G major (Parry)
Organist: Alexander Ffinch
Director of Music: Ralph Allwood
Second 2011 Eton Choral Course
Order of Service:
Introit: Never weather-beaten sail (Parry)
Responses: Rose
Psalm: 104 (Walmisley, Edwards)
First Lesson: Judges 15: 1 – 16: 3
Office Hymn: Dear Lord and Father of mankind (Repton)
Canticles: Magnificat (Finzi) and Nunc dimittis (Holst)
Second Lesson: Luke 18: 15-30
Anthem: At the round Earth's imagined corners (Parry)
Hymn: All creatures of our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Organ Voluntary: Fantasia and Fugue in G major (Parry)
Organist: Alexander Ffinch
Director of Music: Ralph Allwood