Isn't it strange how certain things, in this secular world [forgive us this day our tautology] get into the news headlines.
As soon as I heard this I immediately thought that some of us must have sung a similar version thousands of times in the Robert Stone setting:
"...and let us not be led into temptacion".
Maybe a liturgical expert could comment on Stone's (and others') version of the text. Pre-dating the BCP as we know it? Whatever, the Pope took a long time to catch up.
Mind you, The Biblia Vulgata, Secundum Mattheum Chapter 6 definitely has, "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem". Couldn't be clearer.
As soon as I heard this I immediately thought that some of us must have sung a similar version thousands of times in the Robert Stone setting:
"...and let us not be led into temptacion".
Maybe a liturgical expert could comment on Stone's (and others') version of the text. Pre-dating the BCP as we know it? Whatever, the Pope took a long time to catch up.
Mind you, The Biblia Vulgata, Secundum Mattheum Chapter 6 definitely has, "Et ne nos inducas in tentationem". Couldn't be clearer.