CE Hereford Cathedral Wed, Feb 6th 2019 [L]

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Hereford Cathedral Wed, Feb 6th 2019 [L]

    CE Hereford Cathedral

    Order of Service:

    Introit: Christe Jesu, pastor bone (Taverner)
    Responses: Ayleward
    Psalms 32, 33, 34 (Hopkins, Camidge, Turle, Hull, Bevan)
    First Lesson: Baruch 5: 1-9
    Canticles: Short Service (Byrd)
    Second Lesson: Mark 1: 1-11
    Anthem: Eterne laudis lilium (Fayrfax)

    Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C, BWV 545 (Bach)

    Peter Dyke (Assistant Director of Music)
    Geraint Bowen (Director of Music)

  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    Reminder: today @ 3.30

    Looking forward to the Fayrfax.


    • Vox Humana
      Full Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 1263

      Originally posted by DracoM View Post
      Reminder: today @ 3.30

      Looking forward to the Fayrfax.
      Me too. The text has an appropriate acrostic.


      • vinteuil
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 13195

        Originally posted by Vox Humana View Post
        Me too. The text has an appropriate acrostic.
        E terne laudis lilium, O dulcis Maria, te
        L audat vox angelica, nutrix Christi pia.
        I ure prolis glorie detur harmonia,
        S alus nostre memoria omni agonia.

        A ve radix, flos virginum, O sanctificata.
        B enedicta in utero materno creata.
        E ras sancta puerpera et inviolata,
        T uo ex Iesu filio virgo peramata.

        H onestis celi precibus virgo veneraris.
        R egis excelsi filii visu iocundaris.
        E ius divino lumine tu nusquam privaris.
        G aude sole splendidior virgo singularis.

        I ssachar quoque Nazaphat necnon Ismaria,
        N ati ex Iesse stipite qua venit Maria,
        A tque Maria Cleophe sancto Zacharia,
        A qua patre Elisabeth, matre Sophonia

        N atus est Dei gratia Iohannes Baptista.
        G audebat clauso Domino in matrice cista.
        L inee ex hoc genere est Evangelista
        I ohannes. Anne filia ex Maria ista

        E st Iesus Dei filius natus in hunc mundum,
        cujus cruoris tumulo mundatur immundum.
        Conferat nos in gaudium in evum iocundum,
        qui cum Patre et spiritu sancto regnat in unum. Amen


        • Quilisma
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 181

          All the very best to everyone at Hereford for their broadcast today! I shall try to listen when I get a chance. It looks like a great music list. It's strange that some broadcasts attract a great deal of comment (about the actual service) on here whereas others pass apparently almost completely unnoticed, but it doesn't mean people don't listen or don't appreciate what they have heard! On here, last week's broadcast attracted several general questions, which I answered in perhaps unnecessarily great detail (!), but virtually no qualitative comment either way; whereas on Facebook there have been a number of positive reviews and tributes and testimonials. Only one person (a known figure in the business) has been less magnanimous about last week's broadcast, encouraging others to notice what he himself had noticed, and, extrapolating tendentiously from this observation, going on to express his disapproval of aspects of the way in which he supposes the choir in question must operate and its supposed alleged negative implications for the future health and preservation of the choral tradition and opportunities within it: the "slippery slope" argument, entirely unfounded in this instance. (I must admit, this isn't the first time that particular individual has publicly taken aim at that particular establishment, and by extension other similar establishments, on the grounds of allegedly lacking any real commitment to creating and sustaining opportunities for children to access and achieve excellence regardless of their background... A "straw man" argument, again entirely unfounded in this instance. It takes all sorts!)

          In any case, I wish Hereford a fantastic broadcast, and lots of reassuringly positive reviews! (And no misplaced sniping from people with an axe to grind...)


          • Y Mab Afradlon
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 153

            It was pleasing to read your "first hand" comments. I wonder if Miles Coverdale can provide us with some insight into today's broadcast.


            • Miles Coverdale
              Late Member
              • Dec 2010
              • 639

              Originally posted by Y Mab Afradlon View Post
              It was pleasing to read your "first hand" comments. I wonder if Miles Coverdale can provide us with some insight into today's broadcast.
              How might I help?
              My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


              • ardcarp
                Late member
                • Nov 2010
                • 11102

                I really enjoyed the Hereford broadcast. I do like a 'head-voice' treble sound...which seemed so 'right' in the Fayrfax and Taverner. It takes a competent and confident choir to sing this pre-Reformation repertoire in a live broadcast. Geraint Bowen is surely one of the really gifted choir-trainers , and I congratulate him, the choir and Peter Dyke for an excellent CE.

                Can anyone explain the slightly modified text in the Responses? Was this anything to do with marking the anniversary of the Queen's accession, or just a variant they use at Hereford?


                • Miles Coverdale
                  Late Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 639

                  They are specifically for the Accession.
                  My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


                  • ardcarp
                    Late member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 11102

                    Originally posted by Miles Coverdale View Post
                    They are specifically for the Accession.


                    • DracoM
                      • Mar 2007
                      • 13027

                      << I really enjoyed the Hereford broadcast. I do like a 'head-voice' treble sound...which seemed so 'right' in the Fayrfax and Taverner. It takes a competent and confident choir to sing this pre-Reformation repertoire in a live broadcast. Geraint Bowen is surely one of the really gifted choir-trainers , and I congratulate him, the choir and Peter Dyke for an excellent CE. >>

                      Endorse to the echo everything ardcarp says here.

                      That whole CE was one heck of a challenge - lots of singing, tough repertoire, only pretty short lessons-breaks in which to gather one's breath and load up the music. A delight to have DoM Bowen's no-nonsense brisk tempi, nda those boys' sheer concentrated stamina.

                      We are so lucky to have the Hereford team to show us how it's done.


                      • Y Mab Afradlon
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 153

                        Originally posted by Miles Coverdale View Post
                        How might I help?
                        Forgive me if I am wrong but with Lizzie being the self professed Champion of Winchester and Quilisma championing Ely last week we have become accustomed to your championing of things Hereford in previous years. If I've misread the situation please accept my apologies.


                        • jonfan
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 1475

                          A huge sing today and thoroughly well prepared. Not being a fan of ‘head voice’ sound I didn’t particularly enjoy the CE today. Everything seemed a long way away making the texts difficult to follow. The psalms were just the same volume throughout. Sorry, most likely me and in a minority of one.


                          • Miles Coverdale
                            Late Member
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 639

                            Originally posted by Y Mab Afradlon View Post
                            Forgive me if I am wrong but with Lizzie being the self professed Champion of Winchester and Quilisma championing Ely last week we have become accustomed to your championing of things Hereford in previous years. If I've misread the situation please accept my apologies.
                            No apology necessary, I assure you. I will admit to being a former Hereford lay clerk. That said, I'm not sure what I can usefully add about the service today.
                            My boxes are positively disintegrating under the sheer weight of ticks. Ed Reardon


                            • Quilisma
                              Full Member
                              • Dec 2010
                              • 181

                              Originally posted by Y Mab Afradlon View Post
                              Forgive me if I am wrong but with Lizzie being the self professed Champion of Winchester and Quilisma championing Ely last week we have become accustomed to your championing of things Hereford in previous years. If I've misread the situation please accept my apologies.
                              Strictly speaking I never intend to champion as such, merely to inform and to be on hand to clarify and provide courteous corrections as and when necessary, as there are not infrequently a number of ingrained but unconscious misconceptions when it comes to that place... and I happen to be ideally placed to know very well what is going on there from day to day! (But not in any leadership capacity, I hasten to add... I'm just a larynx on legs!)

                              If I understand correctly, the wonderful Lizzie is temporarily out of the country, and having a wonderful time, but I always enjoy reading her enthusiastic reports of goings-on in Winchester, another idyllic place where I have spent plenty of time and where the music set-up is phenomenally good. (I only depped in the Cathedral a couple of times when I was living there but it was thrilling.) Lizzie is very much part of the furniture there, a true stalwart and a tireless supporter of all elements of the Cathedral's musical scene. We have a fair few people like that over here too, and such people are the lifeblood of every cathedral. We salute them!

                              I'm really looking forward to listening to the Hereford broadcast now. Their glowing reputation suggests I may be in for a real treat, and the reviews on here are very encouraging. (And it's sometimes nice to remind oneself of sounds which are very different from one's own house style, even though there's a very good reason why it isn't like that here.) Good for Hereford!
                              Last edited by Quilisma; 07-02-19, 09:07.

