Teamsaint, hi ... certainly when I was a chorister (1954–58) cassocks were purple. I think the colour changed with the arrival of Martin Neary (c.1972), and I also think that there was a bit of a hoo-ha, because Winchester's new colour was supposed to be the preserve of the Royal Peculiar at Westminster Abbey. Perhaps it was no coincidence that both Organist and Dean had been at St Margaret's Westminster previously! I may, of course, have got that completely wrong!
Wolsey ... you are totally right about the present cathedral organ. Harrison's rebuild in 1988 revitalised it dramatically. I played a recital there last August, and it is exciting, fiery and full of all the colour you could possibly want. The only problem area, which one day may be addressed, is how to get more sound into the enormously long nave - the present 'solution' doesn't really work too well.
Wolsey ... you are totally right about the present cathedral organ. Harrison's rebuild in 1988 revitalised it dramatically. I played a recital there last August, and it is exciting, fiery and full of all the colour you could possibly want. The only problem area, which one day may be addressed, is how to get more sound into the enormously long nave - the present 'solution' doesn't really work too well.