Having tutted and grumbled for the past two months about premature celebrations of Christmas [e.g. by Tescos, local schools, CFM] I feel it's just about reached the time when it's OK to talk about Christmas Carols. Do any forumistas have a favourite unaccompanied carol written in the last 70 years? Or maybe more than one? And using the word 'carol' in its widest possible sense?
I admit I chose 70 years because my own favourite, Kenneth Leighton's Lully, Lulla, was written in 1948 (while he was still a student) and I didn't want to exclude that. Other faves of mine (not often done, alas) are Peter Aston's Dormi Jesu John Byrt's Both All and Some and Peter Racinr Fricker's A Babe is Born. It's a shame Judith Weir's Illuminare isn't strictly 'unaccompanied' although it very nearly is.
I admit I chose 70 years because my own favourite, Kenneth Leighton's Lully, Lulla, was written in 1948 (while he was still a student) and I didn't want to exclude that. Other faves of mine (not often done, alas) are Peter Aston's Dormi Jesu John Byrt's Both All and Some and Peter Racinr Fricker's A Babe is Born. It's a shame Judith Weir's Illuminare isn't strictly 'unaccompanied' although it very nearly is.