CE Croydon Minster [L]
Order of Service:
Introit: A Prayer of St Augustine (Martin How)
Responses: Rose
Psalms 73, 74 (Turle, Oades, Goss, Attwood)
First Lesson: Leviticus 26: 3-13
Canticles: Westminster Service (Howells)
Second Lesson: Titus 2: 1-8
Anthem: Greater Love (Ireland)
Voluntary: Rhapsody for Organ No 1 in D flat major, Op 17 No 1 (Howells)
Heather Easting (Organ Scholar)
Tom Little (Sub-Organist)
Ronny Krippner (Organist & Director of Music)
Order of Service:
Introit: A Prayer of St Augustine (Martin How)
Responses: Rose
Psalms 73, 74 (Turle, Oades, Goss, Attwood)
First Lesson: Leviticus 26: 3-13
Canticles: Westminster Service (Howells)
Second Lesson: Titus 2: 1-8
Anthem: Greater Love (Ireland)
Voluntary: Rhapsody for Organ No 1 in D flat major, Op 17 No 1 (Howells)
Heather Easting (Organ Scholar)
Tom Little (Sub-Organist)
Ronny Krippner (Organist & Director of Music)