Admittedly this service wasn't covered at all by the BBC - let alone Radio 3 - other than in the news. But I'm sure some of its contents will be of interest to some on this forum.
It was broadcast live on ITV1 during 'This Morning' which began at 9.25am, the service being at 11am.
The order of service may be found here:
Music within the service included:
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Panis angelicus (Franck)
A Gaelic Blessing (Rutter)
Ubi caritas (Duruflé)
My spirit sang all day (Finzi)
It was broadcast live on ITV1 during 'This Morning' which began at 9.25am, the service being at 11am.
The order of service may be found here:
Music within the service included:
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Panis angelicus (Franck)
A Gaelic Blessing (Rutter)
Ubi caritas (Duruflé)
My spirit sang all day (Finzi)