CE Trinity Cathedral, Trenton, New Jersey, USA
First broadcast: 8 April 1992
Order of Service:
Introit: Silent Devotion and Response (Bloch)
Responses: Gerald Near
Psalms: 42, 43 (Bertalot)
Phos Hilaron: Christ, Mighty Saviour (David Hurd)
First Lesson: 2 Ezra 2: 42-48
Canticles: Gerald Near
Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 3: 16
Anthems: Psalm 67 (Charles Ives);
Brazilian Psalm (Jean Berger)
Hymn: Rejoice ye pure in heart
Organ Postlude: The People Respond - Amen! (Dan Locklan)
Tom Goeman (Organist)
Princeton Singers / John Bertalot (Director)
First broadcast: 8 April 1992
Order of Service:
Introit: Silent Devotion and Response (Bloch)
Responses: Gerald Near
Psalms: 42, 43 (Bertalot)
Phos Hilaron: Christ, Mighty Saviour (David Hurd)
First Lesson: 2 Ezra 2: 42-48
Canticles: Gerald Near
Second Lesson: 2 Corinthians 2: 14 – 3: 16
Anthems: Psalm 67 (Charles Ives);
Brazilian Psalm (Jean Berger)
Hymn: Rejoice ye pure in heart
Organ Postlude: The People Respond - Amen! (Dan Locklan)
Tom Goeman (Organist)
Princeton Singers / John Bertalot (Director)