CE Washington National Cathedral, USA [A]
First broadcast on 14 April 1993
Order of Service:
Introit: Easter Sentences (David Koehring)
Hymn: Christ is alive (Truro, arr. Dirksen)
Responses: Douglas Major
Psalm 115 (Tonus Peregrinus with handbells)
First Lesson: Micah 7: 7-15
Canticles: Sowerby in E minor
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15: 30-41
Anthems: Christ the Lord is risen today (Rorem)
Come ye faithful (Baker)
Christ our Passover (Dirksen)
Hymn: The Lord of Life (Gelobt sei Gott)
Postlude: Grand Choeur Dialogue (Gigout)
Michael Velting (Assistant Organist)
Douglas Major (Organist and Choirmaster)
First broadcast on 14 April 1993
Order of Service:
Introit: Easter Sentences (David Koehring)
Hymn: Christ is alive (Truro, arr. Dirksen)
Responses: Douglas Major
Psalm 115 (Tonus Peregrinus with handbells)
First Lesson: Micah 7: 7-15
Canticles: Sowerby in E minor
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 15: 30-41
Anthems: Christ the Lord is risen today (Rorem)
Come ye faithful (Baker)
Christ our Passover (Dirksen)
Hymn: The Lord of Life (Gelobt sei Gott)
Postlude: Grand Choeur Dialogue (Gigout)
Michael Velting (Assistant Organist)
Douglas Major (Organist and Choirmaster)