Easter Day Choral Evensong Sunday, April 1st 2018 (L)
Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban
NB: 3 p.m.
Order of Service:
Introit: O Sons and daughters (Walford Davies)
Responses: Smith
Psalm 114 (Bairstow)
First Lesson: Ezekiel 37: 1-14
Office Hymn: The day of resurrection (Ellacombe)
Canticles: Stanford in A
Second Lesson: Luke 24: 13-35
Anthem: Let all the world (Leighton)
Hymn: Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Organ Voluntary: Symphonie No 5 in A major, Op 47 (Final) (Vierne)
Tom Winpenny (Assistant Master of the Music)
Andrew Lucas (Master of the Music)
Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban
NB: 3 p.m.
Order of Service:
Introit: O Sons and daughters (Walford Davies)
Responses: Smith
Psalm 114 (Bairstow)
First Lesson: Ezekiel 37: 1-14
Office Hymn: The day of resurrection (Ellacombe)
Canticles: Stanford in A
Second Lesson: Luke 24: 13-35
Anthem: Let all the world (Leighton)
Hymn: Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Organ Voluntary: Symphonie No 5 in A major, Op 47 (Final) (Vierne)
Tom Winpenny (Assistant Master of the Music)
Andrew Lucas (Master of the Music)