In much choral music, there are various conventions that differ fromnstrumental music.
Vocal "beaming" of quavers, etc. is intended to be helpful, in that it reduces the need for slurs, but I much prefer the modern practice of using instrumental beaming. Yet there are still those who hanker after the traditional method even amongst publishers.
Rather more irritating is the inclusion of tonic sol-fa, which clutters up the page annoyingly. Why can't people just learn to read music.
Vocal "beaming" of quavers, etc. is intended to be helpful, in that it reduces the need for slurs, but I much prefer the modern practice of using instrumental beaming. Yet there are still those who hanker after the traditional method even amongst publishers.
Rather more irritating is the inclusion of tonic sol-fa, which clutters up the page annoyingly. Why can't people just learn to read music.
