CE Chichester Cathedral 7.iii.2018

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  • Vox Humana
    Full Member
    • Dec 2012
    • 1263

    Originally posted by Finzi4ever View Post
    fantastic vowel sounds from choir and clergy 'alaike'! Interestingly (for me at least) this must have been the last public outing (no, not in that sense!) before 13 years of silence, for the Hill/Hele instrument. Chi did still broadcast with the horrendous 70s Allen toaster, I think, but not that often - sure I shall be corrected.
    They certainly did another broadcast in 1972. Not sure whether it was before or after, but it included psalm 106 to that wacky set of three chants that Howells wrote especially.


    • jonfan
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 1475

      Wonderful service. The accents seem from another world. Gains and losses. Gain, an extra 15 minutes. Loss, the dull, lifeless announcements - give me Jonathan Swain any day.


      • ardcarp
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 11102

        In the 'spare' 15 mins we had Sarah Baldock playing some Percy Whitlock. Played beautifully of course, but I can't BEAR Whitlock! Sorry to offend any adherents of that worthy gentleman, but his organ works just sound like a series of boring FRCO sight-reading exercises. Could we not have had something more worthy of Chichester's current instrument?


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13028

          .......e.g. the Leighton paean!!!!!!!


          • mw963
            Full Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 538

            Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
            In the 'spare' 15 mins we had Sarah Baldock playing some Percy Whitlock. Played beautifully of course, but I can't BEAR Whitlock! Sorry to offend any adherents of that worthy gentleman, but his organ works just sound like a series of boring FRCO sight-reading exercises. Could we not have had something more worthy of Chichester's current instrument?
            Reaction to music is strange isn't it. Just as Leighton almost makes me feel ill when I hear it I admit that I absolutely thrill to Whitlock. The only bit that doesn't "do it" for me is the last movt of the sonata. As to the rest, it's precisely because you never know what's going to happen next that I love it, and there's always - at least as I hear it - a thread of noble melancholy in Percy's music, even in the Paean.. And the first of those Five Short pieces - with its nimble mood and key changes - is like a breezy sunny English spring day for me....

            Maybe it's because - and this is a gross simplification - for me the joy of a lot of music is in the harmony, whereas "clever rhythms" and catchy tunes do nothing for me. Give me a decent double chant and I'm happy! Maybe that's also why I find plainchant so painfully dull. Most of Stravinsky is out of bounds, whereas - only one example - I love Medtner.

            Of course musical tastes are acquired in many instances, but I'm never going to acquire harsh discords. Maybe it's a bit of biological wiring....?

            Someone could no doubt analyse our tastes and explain them, and if we all liked the same stuff the world would be very dull.

            I can almost see the musical illuminati on here shaking their heads with disdain at my remarks....


            • Vox Humana
              Full Member
              • Dec 2012
              • 1263

              Whitlock was at least a 'real' composer who was capable of symphonic vision when needed. Compare him with the trivial offerings published by some publishers of organ music today and there is really no comparison. That said, I think most of his music would probably sound better scored for instrumental ensembles or orchestra.

              Of course, in voicing our tastes and opinions we are always telling the world more about ourselves than about the composers on whom we are commenting. Fortunately (or not) I'm too old and insignificant to need to give a damn! :)


              • mw963
                Full Member
                • Feb 2012
                • 538

                I don't understand your last - somewhat crushing - comment VH. I genuinely WISH I could like the composers that I don't, because clearly they give great pleasure and fulfillment to those with the necessary pass key. I'm certainly not trying to "bring people round" to my tastes.

                However, I shall keep quiet in future. My prediction of disdain from the illuminati was closer to the mark than even I could have realised.


                • Vox Humana
                  Full Member
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 1263

                  I'm genuinely sorry if my second paragraph seemed crushing. I didn't intend it that way. It was actually an observation about myself as much as anyone else. However, I do stand by it. As I see it, it is a general consensus of opinion that ultimately decides how much or little quality any given composer's music has. Any individuals' opinions are just that and tell us more about the commentator than anything else. That is not to deny that those views may be valuable. One takes them for whatever one feels they are worth - which may sometimes be quite a lot.

                  Do please keep posting. I enjoy reading your views, even if I might not always agree with them.


                  • mw963
                    Full Member
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 538

                    That's very kind of you VH. Problem is that this forum tends to be pretty prickly at the best of times, so it isn't always easy to discern the barbs from the genuine debate.

                    In my turn I'm sorry that I misinterpreted what you wrote.


                    • ardcarp
                      Late member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 11102

                      Yes. Please keep posting. Every opinion welcome here!

