CE Chichester Cathedral 7.iii.2018

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  • DracoM
    • Mar 2007
    • 13027

    CE Chichester Cathedral 7.iii.2018

    CE Chichester Cathedral [archive from 7 June 1972]

    Order of Service:

    Responses: Ayleward
    Psalm 37
    First Lesson: 1 Samuel 17: 1-30
    Canticles: Watson in E
    Second Lesson: Luke 4: 1-13
    Anthem: Why rage fiercely the heathen? (Mendelssohn)

    Nicholas Cleobury (Assistant Organist)
    John Birch (Organist and Master of the Choristers)

    NB: apologies but no info on psalm chants, hymns [are there any?] or vol.
    Last edited by DracoM; 05-03-18, 09:46.
  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    John Birch was not just an O&C but a very fine all-round musician. I remember him conducting concerts at the Southern Cathedrals' Festival, and he didn't look like an organist trying to conduct but someone completely in command of the orchestral medium. (IIRC one programme included TheChichester Psalms.)

    Here is his obit. from a few years back:

    Organist, director of music at Chichester Cathedral and professor at the Royal College of Music


    • Roger Judd
      Full Member
      • Apr 2012
      • 237

      JB was indeed a superb musician, and his choir was one of the very finest during his time at Chichester. He was also in artistic partnership with the inspired Dean, Walter Hussey, whose patronage of the arts was unrivaled. As you will know, Bernstein's Chichester Psalms was a product of that partnership.

      There is no hymn or voluntary mentioned, as BBC Choral Evensong in 1972 was only 45 minutes long; the voluntary was often faded after just a few bars. Presumably, at that time, Radio Times didn't print the chant composers' names.


      • ardcarp
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 11102

        Presumably, at that time, Radio Times didn't print the chant composers' names.
        Oh good...we can have a jolly guessing game.


        • DracoM
          • Mar 2007
          • 13027

          Sorry, my awareness of CE doesn't go back that far - i.e. 1972 - and it looks as if the BBC archive doesn't list them either.


          • Y Mab Afradlon
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 153


            Gnome doesn't have anything more either.


            • DracoM
              • Mar 2007
              • 13027

              Today's service from archive @ 3.30 p.m.


              • Dafydd y G.W.
                Full Member
                • Oct 2016
                • 108

                Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
                Oh good...we can have a jolly guessing game.
                Perhaps we should have a sweepstake.


                • Keraulophone
                  Full Member
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 2015

                  Place your bets...

                  Listing of all Anglican Chants written for or associated with Psalm 37, with pointers to the Chant Books where they are included


                  • Vox Humana
                    Full Member
                    • Dec 2012
                    • 1263

                    There are apparently over 18,000 Anglican chants out there (says the man who collects them).


                    • Finzi4ever
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 614

                      fantastic vowel sounds from choir and clergy 'alaike'! Interestingly (for me at least) this must have been the last public outing (no, not in that sense!) before 13 years of silence, for the Hill/Hele instrument. Chi did still broadcast with the horrendous 70s Allen toaster, I think, but not that often - sure I shall be corrected.

                      Musicality really showed in the Watson Nunc: first time I have ever thought of it as musical.


                      • DracoM
                        • Mar 2007
                        • 13027

                        Worth it for the Leighton Paean alone - well, the bit we heard.
                        Why on earth this afternoon they did not play a complete version of it is a bit puzzling - they had plenty of time. I'm sure other organists have recorded it!!


                        • underthecountertenor
                          Full Member
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 1587

                          Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                          Worth it for the Leighton Paean alone - well, the bit we heard.
                          Why on earth this afternoon they did not play a complete version of it is a bit puzzling - they had plenty of time. I'm sure other organists have recorded it!!
                          As a matter of (mild) interest, what would your preferred solution have been?
                          (1) Cutting the broadcast before the voluntary started and playing a commercial recording of the Paean instead? (Which arguably would have compromised the integrity of the archive broadcast)
                          (2) Spliced a commercial recording to the broadcast at the fadeout point? (Could have been interesting!)
                          (3) Played the broadcast in full, and then played a commercial recording of the complete Paean? (Probably the best solution, although I'm not sure that any Leighton bears immediate repeating )

                          (I assume that the BBC didn't have a practice of keeping a recording of the complete voluntary when it was faded out when 'live' - which is a pity if so).


                          • mw963
                            Full Member
                            • Feb 2012
                            • 538

                            Well I'm afraid that I of course felt that the Leighton wasn't faded a second too early, but as you all know I'm afraid on that score I'm incorrigble....

                            As to the service - beautiful control, beautiful dynamics, such a smooth smooth sound (perhaps enhanced unintentionally by being in mono and with the HF rolled off). I too loved the vowels and the delivery, the word missionary takes on a whole fascination of its own with such equal stressing. We have lost something (in my view) with modern diction.

                            Great to hear, but as I suspect we all agree, it should be IN ADDITION TO, NOT INSTEAD OF, a live Wednesday relay. I do think that the BBC should come clean as to why we're being given so many substitutes, is it money, is it that the Cathedrals don't want to broadcast? It would be better if they were honest with us.


                            • DracoM
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 13027

                              Originally posted by underthecountertenor View Post
                              as a matter of (mild) interest, what would your preferred solution have been?
                              (1) cutting the broadcast before the voluntary started and playing a commercial recording of the paean instead? (which arguably would have compromised the integrity of the archive broadcast)
                              (2) spliced a commercial recording to the broadcast at the fadeout point? (could have been interesting!)
                              (3) played the broadcast in full, and then played a commercial recording of the complete paean? (probably the best solution, although i'm not sure that any leighton bears immediate repeating )

                              (i assume that the bbc didn't have a practice of keeping a recording of the complete voluntary when it was faded out when 'live' - which is a pity if so).
                              3 - imo.

